Vincent Rozenberg
November 14th, 2006, 04:20 PM
Dear forum members; very simple question, the Canon KH20x6.4 KRS or the Fujinon HSs18x5.5? The main purpose is ENG work. I do not desire a strict answer for this, but try to find out the pros and cons of both lenses.
Thanks in advance!
Chris Hurd
November 14th, 2006, 06:45 PM
The answer seems clear enough in the nomenclature... the Fuji has the wider angle and the Canon has the longer telephoto. Which one is more important to you?
Michael Knight
November 15th, 2006, 03:01 AM
Having once been a news stringer I can see more than the wide angle/zoom considerations here.
I have found the Fujinon HSs18x5.5BRM to be pretty awesome in many respects, but I'd suggest you check out some of the lens test threads on this forum before you make a final choice, since it seems some cameramen have found distortions which needed to be dealt with in this lens - and you'll find a few comparisons between the Canon and Fujinon offerings as well.
Plus there are those who are apparently able to use SD lenses and get good results
Having said that, this lens is very good in tight spots (such as small interview areas) - and as big TV screens begin to become more popular, I lean toward more wide shots than telephoto, simply because any jitters at the long end are going to be a lot more obvious on a big screen.
There might also be features on the Fujinon that you could be paying dearly for - and not necessarily find useful (depending on the sort of ENG assignments you do most of the time). So look at the sales pitch and the specs very carefully.
Michael Knight
Rob Stiff
November 15th, 2006, 10:59 AM
I have both 350L & 330Ls & both Canon KH20x6.4 KRS &
KH19x6.7 KAS lenses. I can't comment on the Fujinon lens; as I don't have it.
But, I would say if you are just wanting to do Electronic New Gathering
stuff, then the 330L W/ Canon KH19.6.7x6.7 KAS lens is not only
to best (lowest cost) value, also will do a fantastic job.
Vincent Rozenberg
December 29th, 2006, 01:30 AM
Bit of a late reply; Thanks for the response! I went with the Canon for now. It will do the job and to me it seems as a reasonable entry lens, keeping the option open to grow in with the arsenal.
Greg Boston
December 29th, 2006, 12:21 PM
A good ENG option.
There is a version of the better quality HS18x5.5 with a built in extender.
Many times I wish I had that 2X in my lens, especially when trying to get wildlife up to full frame.
Morton Molyneux
December 29th, 2006, 08:56 PM
I agree Greg, The Fuji HS18X5.5BERM with 2X extender is a good combination. When I ordered my F350 back in June my dealer told me Fuji were bringing out the 2X version. It took 3 months for the lens to arrive but it was well worth the wait.