Bryan Roberts
November 14th, 2006, 02:12 PM
I'm having an extremely frustrating problem that has really been confusing the hell out of me. I've edited a film on FCP 5.1 - the first cut of the film was completed on a fresh install of fcp 5.1 on an Intel Quad Xeon Mac Pro with 8 gigs of ram and using an internal SATA 500 gig drive for media. Towards the end of the editing using this system, I started to have the problem: randomly, FCP would put little 3 second snipits out of place on my timeline and there would be no indication of a new clip or sound file in the timeline - it would appear as if there would be one continuous take but at a certain spot it would cut to some random shot but when I match frame to the original, the original would be intact. The only clue was in the middle of a longer clip, the render bar would show blue instead of gray in those random chunks where FCP would pop in something that shouldn't be there. Bah! I tried to reconnect media on places where this would happen and also done a select all on my timeline and reconnect media, I tried to roll the clip past this point and then roll it back, I tried clip disable and then re-enabling the clip, I've trashed prefs left and right with FCP Rescue all to no avail. The only way to fix this problem is to cut out the entire clip and then drag it back to the timeline from the viewer after matching back to the original but this doesn't bar it from happening again. It was very frustrating but I racked it up to being Intel mac bugs...
So, now I'm in the final stages of the final cut and I'm back home in LA on my dual core 2.3 powermac with 2.5 gigs of ram working on an exact mirror of the hard drive that was in the Intel Mac Pro sending updated project files back and forth to the original edit location and the Mac Pro to the filmmakers and I'm still having the same problem in my timeline. I'm at a loss and they're getting frustrated because they keep burning DVD's for viewing and selling purposes with random sound and video files popping up every now and then, they're not the most technical guys and I don't have a clear solution for them. What can I do?
Thanks so much guys...
[EDIT] - just noticed that on longer clips that have color correction and filters applied where the render bar is blue normally, there's no way to tell when random FCP shots have been inserted as the offending occurances are normally blue - in this case they just blend in perfectly - also the problem happened even on a text placeholder for a temp VFX shot, though all I had to do was roll the clip back and forth to fix this one, and with this one the text on black had a green render bar and the out of place shot it cuts to has the same blue render bar but the text clip in the timeline was not broken up... not much help but just thought it was worth mentioning...
So, now I'm in the final stages of the final cut and I'm back home in LA on my dual core 2.3 powermac with 2.5 gigs of ram working on an exact mirror of the hard drive that was in the Intel Mac Pro sending updated project files back and forth to the original edit location and the Mac Pro to the filmmakers and I'm still having the same problem in my timeline. I'm at a loss and they're getting frustrated because they keep burning DVD's for viewing and selling purposes with random sound and video files popping up every now and then, they're not the most technical guys and I don't have a clear solution for them. What can I do?
Thanks so much guys...
[EDIT] - just noticed that on longer clips that have color correction and filters applied where the render bar is blue normally, there's no way to tell when random FCP shots have been inserted as the offending occurances are normally blue - in this case they just blend in perfectly - also the problem happened even on a text placeholder for a temp VFX shot, though all I had to do was roll the clip back and forth to fix this one, and with this one the text on black had a green render bar and the out of place shot it cuts to has the same blue render bar but the text clip in the timeline was not broken up... not much help but just thought it was worth mentioning...