Ravi Kumar
November 14th, 2006, 01:57 PM
Has anyone used this software from Canon. Currently canon is giving it to try out for XLH1 and XL2 owners I guess. Does any one know if this comes along with either A1 or G1 in the box ?
View Full Version : Canons Console Software Ravi Kumar November 14th, 2006, 01:57 PM Has anyone used this software from Canon. Currently canon is giving it to try out for XLH1 and XL2 owners I guess. Does any one know if this comes along with either A1 or G1 in the box ? Bill Doyle November 14th, 2006, 03:19 PM Ravi, Console is approximately $500-$600 and is fully supported by the A1 and G1. There is a 30-day trial available to see if it meets your needs. I have not seen any comprehensive reviews or how it compares to the other tapeless solutions, but obviously you have much more control with Console than the others when you use a Canon camera. Bill Doyle Brian Farris November 14th, 2006, 04:02 PM Too bad it only runs on Windows :( Jonathan Plotkin December 6th, 2006, 12:53 PM Ravi, Console is approximately $500-$600 and is fully supported by the A1 and G1. There is a 30-day trial available to see if it meets your needs. I have not seen any comprehensive reviews or how it compares to the other tapeless solutions, but obviously you have much more control with Console than the others when you use a Canon camera. Bill Doyle I just got off the phone with Canon after a frustrating morning trying to get my XH-A1 to talk to the console software. They say that it requires version 1.1, which isn't available yet. Have you been able to get the download to work?? Thanks! JP Richard Hunter December 8th, 2006, 09:31 PM I just downloaded and installed the console software, but it says "camera not supported" when I connect up my A1. Wonder when V1.1 will come out. Richard Pete Bauer December 9th, 2006, 07:02 AM I'm puzzled about this, because Canon sent out version 1.1 of Console with the loaner-for-review XH A1's last month. AFAIK, it looks to be a release version and since the A1 has been out for over a month... I'll check with a Canon rep on Monday (but probably only if y'all remind me). FWIW, I've given the Canon guys a hard time about the price of Console in the past and didn't buy it for my XL H1's. I still would label it as "expensive" but the more I've worked with it over the past few weeks with the A1, especially regarding the speed and ease with which you can play with presets, the more I feel it is a "must have" if you really want to get the most out of the camera. Dan Keaton December 10th, 2006, 07:01 AM I can confirm that you definitely need Console Version 1.1 to work with the XH A1 or XH G1. I can also confirm that it is a very nice piece of software. It is most helpful when adjusting presets. It is also very nice if you have to duplicate the lighting from a previous setup. You can compare one previously recorded image to the live image from the camera. With Version 1.0, you can not "Onion Skin" or overlay one image exactly on top of another, so that you can place the camera in the same exact spot as a previous setup, or see if some prop has moved. You have to compare two side by side images to do this. I have not tested Version 1.1, but I assume that this has not changed. "Console" does a great job of recording. To ensure that your computer is fast enough, it has a test function in which it makes a trial recording and then reports the results. I found that my desktop, a Pentium 4, 3.4 ghz with SATA drives far exceeded its requirements. I tested an HP Laptop, an average laptop, costing under $1,000 when new 2 years ago, also exceeded the requirements. I thought this was great because this laptop had a slower disk drive which is typical of most laptops. The software appears to be bug free, as far as I can tell. I highly recommend that you call Jason Price at TapeWorksTexas (866-827-3489) and get a quote for the Canon Console Software. Be sure to specify that you need Version 1.1. TapeWorksTexas is one of DVInfo.net's sponsors and provides outstanding customer service. One word of caution. While your camera is in External Control mode, you can operate the zoom, focus, and other controls, and the Console software operator can also adjust any of these controls and presets. However, while in External Control mode, the LANC port which is usually used for tripod mounted zoom and focus controllers will not work. You can still use the controls on the camera. One would normally operate the camera in External Control mode as this enables all of the Console software's features and functions. If you just intend on using the Console software just to view the camera's image and record the footage as desired, then you can put the camera in any of the normal camera modes (as opposed to External Control mode). In this mode, the LANC port works as normal so you can use your zoom/focus controllers. If you are in a situation wherre you can be attached to a laptop or desktop computer via a firewire cable, then I highly recommend this software over other dual or tapeless recording solutions. I have not tried long firewire cables, but I understand that they do work. Please note that the image you see via the Console Software is delayed. For this reason I think it is best to allow the camera operator to control the zoom/focus in some situations. Jay Fisk December 21st, 2006, 03:14 PM Has anyone been successful in running Console on a Mac with Parallels or Bootcamp? The Ver 1.1 owner's manual is up on the canon website now as a PDF. Hmmmm..... Michael Y Wong December 21st, 2006, 05:59 PM Does the Console Software successfully split up m2t 60i, 30f, and 24f material shot from the A1? This would prove invaluable (for me @ least) since HDVsplit doesnt seem to be compatible with Canon HDV. Chris Hurd December 21st, 2006, 07:45 PM Hi Michael, If I'm understanding your question correctly, if you're referring to clips that have been recorded with Console, all it can do at that point is simply play back files. There's no capability for changing them by splitting or trimming, etc. (you can always re-name them from Windows File Explorer, of course). Rick Hensley December 21st, 2006, 11:05 PM here is a very short review of the console http://www.studiodaily.com/studiomonthly/currentissue/7398.html Richard Hunter December 22nd, 2006, 04:54 AM I managed to download V1.1 and it works fine with my XH-A1. Has some nice features, and if it was $100 or less I would purchase it. At >$500, it's not that useful to me. Richard Michael Bartolo December 28th, 2006, 02:01 AM I am looking at Console for my A1 but am a little concerned about its useability. I am looking to buy a laptop with the Vista operating system. Does any know if I can move and operate the Console v1.1 software and license to my new computer when I buy the computer in a few months. I got really concerned when I learned that the current version of Nikon NX photo raw software is not VISTA capable. At $600 a pop I do not want to pay for Console again because it either is not compatible with the operating system or the license cannot be transfered to another machine. Tom McDougal December 28th, 2006, 11:29 AM I am looking at Console for my A1 but am a little concerned about its useability. I am looking to buy a laptop with the Vista operating system. Does any know if I can move and operate the Console v1.1 software and license to my new computer when I buy the computer in a few months. I got really concerned when I learned that the current version of Nikon NX photo raw software is not VISTA capable. At $600 a pop I do not want to pay for Console again because it either is not compatible with the operating system or the license cannot be transfered to another machine. Im currenlty running demo verison of Console (not sure which verison but i d/l it stairght from adobe site) in Vista RC2...so i doubt their would be a problem with RTM Brendan Marnell December 28th, 2006, 04:46 PM Would anyone please suggest a pc laptop + small monitor combo for wildlife videography; preferably with 2 USB ports and a firewire port ... robust + compact + easy on rechargeable batteries for less than $1000? Toenis Liivamaegi January 2nd, 2007, 04:48 AM I just finished reading the Console user manual and it seems that capturing from tapes isn`t mentioned at all? I have few tapes with recoded footage and imported directly to Premiere without problems but I thought I will give the Console a try. I guess that it just cann`t capture from tapes - I didn`t want to hit record button in rec window as it might overwrite tapes instead of capturing. Now I feel stupid, T Pete Bauer January 2nd, 2007, 06:25 AM Console allows for computer-based control of most camera functions including customs presets and for recording direct to hard disk. The job of capturing from tape is left for the capture modules of your NLE. Yes, if you have a tape in the camera while recording from Console, the recording will go both to disk and tape; any previous recording on the tape would be overwritten, so make sure the tape is blank! Matthew Wilson January 2nd, 2007, 10:25 PM I didn`t want to hit record button in rec window as it might overwrite tapes instead of capturing. Now I feel stupid, T Na, stupid is not reading the manual and hitting the record button like I did. And so I can confirm that it will overwrite your tape. Oh well, it wasn't anything important. Richard Adams January 12th, 2007, 10:34 PM I just downloaded the trial of console, ver 1.1. It doesn't seem to recgonize my canon A1. Message in the message bar of the software says 'Camcorder is not conncted correctly or turned on'. I have the camcera in Ext Cont mode. It appears in My Computer as 'Canon Camera Storage Device', so the computer is recognizing it is there. Any ideas? Thanks. Bill Busby January 13th, 2007, 12:20 AM And so I can confirm that it will overwrite your tape. Oh well, it wasn't anything important. I assume you left your tape in cam with the record tab enabled? Say it ain't so. :) Glad it wasn't anything important though. Bill Come to think of it, back in the linear days... there was a JVC SHVS edit deck... I can't recall the model #, 86** or something... if accidentally executing an insert with the edit controller, it would do a video insert even if the record tab was removed. In assemble mode however that wouldn't happen. Weird. Surely that didn't happen with you Richard Adams January 13th, 2007, 07:53 AM Solved the problem with Console not recognizing my camera. I needed to update a driver. This software is great for checking out what camera settings do in (almost) real time. Not sure about the $600 price tag, but as a learning tool for the two week trial I highly recommend it :) Estebe Verde January 21st, 2007, 02:50 PM What is the best resolution and color space you can get when using Canons Console Software with the A1? How does this compare with DV Rack HD and the Unix solutions? Danke! Chris Hurd January 21st, 2007, 02:53 PM Console cannot change the resolution or color space of the Canon XH camcorders. In many ways it's like a Canon-specific version of DV Rack though. Estebe Verde January 21st, 2007, 03:05 PM Console cannot change the resolution or color space of the Canon XH camcorders. In many ways it's like a Canon-specific version of DV Rack though. So unlike the HVX there is no difference between capturing on tape and direct to disc? The resolution and color space are the same either way? Which offers the most control over image? DV Rack or Cannon Control? Chris Hurd January 21st, 2007, 03:14 PM So unlike the HVX there is no difference between capturing on tape and direct to disc? The resolution and color space are the same either way? That's correct. Remember that the tape transport on the Panasonic HVX records standard definition video only. The tape transport on the Canon XH records high definition video. The resolution and color space are the same either way on the Canon. Which offers the most control over image? DV Rack or Cannon Control?Since the Canon Console software is tailored specifically to the Canon XL and XH camcorders, it is (currently) the only software that can access all of the wide variety of image controls found within the Custom Preset menus of those camcorders. Therefore it offers more control over the image than DV Rack. Hope this helps, Meryem Ersoz January 21st, 2007, 03:25 PM someone else already asked this, but no reply forthcoming. does console function fully on an intel-based mac running windows? is anyone using this combo who can give us feedback? Meryem Ersoz January 21st, 2007, 03:49 PM i realize that it should work in theory, but it's always great to get confirmation before plunking down non-theoretical money.... Estebe Verde January 21st, 2007, 03:59 PM The only difference between an Intel mac and any other similarly configured Intel platform is the trusting platform computing chip the Intel mac uses to authorize installation of OS X. That's it. Chris Hurd January 21st, 2007, 06:15 PM Does console function fully on an intel-based mac running windows? is anyone using this combo who can give us feedback?Hey Meryem, you remember when we met at the ComCast studio north of Denver last summer during the XL H1 road show? That was the demo station I was standing next to at the time... an Intel-based iMac running Console on Windows XP. Works perfectly! Guess we were too busy chatting about other things instead of checking out the iMac-based Console station... but it was there! Meryem Ersoz January 21st, 2007, 08:13 PM whoops, dopey me! i guess i was a little overwhelmed by all the shiny new toys...now that i actually own one, i'm paying closer attention! thanks for the reminder, glad to know it works so seamlessly.... Jamie Krutz January 22nd, 2007, 10:22 AM Just FYI, a version of the console software will eventually be released to run on OSX directly, according to a Canon rep I talked to a few weeks ago. Cheers, -Jamie www.JamieKrutz.com Manuel Fantoni February 16th, 2007, 10:49 AM Tryng desperately to run the trial software on my intel Mac with Parallels Desktop /Windows XP and service pack 2. Problem is that the software is installed Canon Console 1,1 but everytime i try to open it a window appears and says _____________________________________________________ HARDWARE ACCELERATION OF DISPLAY SYSTEM IS NOT SET TO "FULL".PLEASE SELECT "FULL" IN "Display Properties". _____________________________________________________ actually i did it but nothing happens and the software does not run. It is actually mentioned in the pdf manual this "FULL" implementation,but seems to be useless to do that. any help? thanks Mike Syverson February 16th, 2007, 11:40 AM I had the same problem and message. Canon told me to reinstall...same problem. Canon told me to download again and install...same problem. I gave up. Must be some unique problem with our laptops. Cheers Syverson Manuel Fantoni February 16th, 2007, 03:17 PM I had the same problem and message. Canon told me to reinstall...same problem. Canon told me to download again and install...same problem. I gave up. Must be some unique problem with our laptops. Cheers Syverson yes probably. I uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times but no luck. Intel mac/parallel/xp service pack 2 does not seems to be a working solutions. Let's wait for an OSX version of the software. Estebe Verde February 17th, 2007, 12:46 PM Boot Camp is the way to go for native support. Otherwise you are using an emulator. Emulator (emulation layer) = SLOW Manuel Fantoni February 17th, 2007, 01:16 PM Boot Camp is the way to go for native support. Otherwise you are using an emulator. Emulator (emulation layer) = SLOW Did you or anybody had any luck using it with BootCamp? If yes i might try to go that way. Chan Ee Jien February 20th, 2007, 12:56 PM Solved the problem with Console not recognizing my camera. I needed to update a driver. This software is great for checking out what camera settings do in (almost) real time. Not sure about the $600 price tag, but as a learning tool for the two week trial I highly recommend it :) What driver is that? Ignacio Artiņano May 16th, 2007, 10:18 PM Just a question. Is there anyway were to ask Canon to rerwite the Console for Intel based MacBook Pros. They will sell a lot more of licences I think. Gert Kracht May 17th, 2007, 11:28 AM The Canon Console Software Version 1.1 works with the XH-A1 and H1. You have to buy the software for an aditional price between 500 and 600 Dollars (I did not check the latest price). With the software you can remotely controll the whole camera via the firewire camera. Recording to harddrive, playing those files are a few of the features. All recorded files are stored with an .MPEG extension. Camera and Picture controll are possible, like: focus, zoom, color, phase, gain, white balance, custom preset, start/stop and other settings. There is also a timelaps setting. But that only works with normal PAL/NTSC or that widescreen version. And I'm sure there are many things I forgot. You can download the PDF manual from the Canon website to look in to the details of the program. Personaly...I think every user should try it out first before buying. Oh...next to that....don't try to work live with the software while making a recording. Handling all the controlls like start/stop and zoom in and out work with a little delay. So live recording to harddisk is ok, but controlls....nope. (Whoops, I made this reaction to one of the first posts. Oh well...I gues the discussion can start again. Many people have their new A1 and i'm convinced that many people are also want to know about this software) Mark Harmer May 17th, 2007, 01:46 PM Personaly...I think every user should try it out first before buying. Try it! I suggest you use it and also connect a hi-def monitor to the component outputs of the XH-A1. You can then tweak the presets and see the results in real-time. I found the most useful part of the Canon Console was the waveform monitor, which let me tweak the setup / knee / black stretch / level controls giving me a good image which was making good use of the recorded dynamic range. I'd recommend installing it just to get some idea of what your presets are doing. Mind you, I fall into the demographic known as "Cheap but Demanding" so I don't have a waveform scope!! Mark Gert Kracht May 17th, 2007, 02:07 PM Hey Mark, which external monitor are you using with your camera ? Ivan Mosny October 14th, 2007, 12:14 PM Console is simply a good PC remote control. There is nothing more to adjust in Console than directly on the camera body. I don`t see any advantage for most users in HDD recording on stage - because its still in mpg2. For this price wold it be nice to have some quality codec options - like in Edius. Bryan Gilchrist October 14th, 2007, 07:29 PM Doesn't seem to run on Vista, although someone posted earlier that they had it running on an RC2 version. I tried running it, but all I got was a "This program required Windows XP to run" error. Dan Keaton October 14th, 2007, 08:06 PM Dear Ivan, Console is very useful for setting up presets, it is much more that just a remote control. Ivan Mosny October 15th, 2007, 03:56 AM Dear Ivan, Console is very useful for setting up presets, it is much more that just a remote control. All the presets can you set and store directly on the camera too. (or in PC text editor and transfer or store it with Memory Card) In Console looks it nicer, its probably more comfortable - but nothing more. Video prewiew in console ist a little bit slow (to operate with it on Camcrane etc.) and delayed. IMHO - such software can be a standard attached tool - but not sold separatelly for this price. |