View Full Version : Zork 35mm lens adapter!

Justin Ferar
November 14th, 2006, 01:37 PM
I just found this on the JVC website:

I went to but couldn't find anymore info.

It's exactly what I've been look for but there is virtually no spec info.

Anyone elso know what the 35mm magnification on this device is?

Toenis Liivamaegi
November 14th, 2006, 01:49 PM
Those will turn your normal lens into telephotos nothing more.


Justin Ferar
November 14th, 2006, 02:10 PM

You mean it will turn 35mm lenses into telephotos?

Barry Green
November 14th, 2006, 03:33 PM
That adapter allows you to mount the still camera lenses onto your HD100, but it doesn't look like there's any manner of ground glass reprojection going on. So that would mean a 50mm lens will still be a 50mm lens when mounted on the HD100. For an example of what that looks like, just zoom your current lens to 50mm.

It also wouldn't change the depth of field. A 50mm Nikon lens would deliver the same field of view, and the same depth of field, as your existing lens when it's zoomed to 50mm.

Brian Duke
November 14th, 2006, 03:48 PM
Has anyone used this yet? I have the mini35, and I am wondering what the difference is. I prefer not having another groundglass between my Nikon lenses and HD100. This appears to do the job, but will I get the film look like I do when I shoot with the mini35?

Anyone, please?

Toenis Liivamaegi
November 14th, 2006, 04:14 PM
Field of view will be completely different.

Even from regular film SLR lens to APS-C sized DSLR there is a field of view crop factor of 1.6x making 17mm ultra wide just a regular 28mm wide.
That`s why wide angle lens designed for Super16 are often 8mm, because the image plane on 16mm is much smaller than on 35mm etc.
Perspective of course will be always the same but 1/3" sensor converted to 36x24mm sized SLR lens will have huge impact on field of view cropping somewhere near to ca 8x. So your 50mm slr lens would be ca 400mm when used on small 1/3" chip camera. Even the widest lens wouldn`t help.

I`ve seen Zoerk 1/3" adaptors and those are just plain flange to focal distance converters nothing more. Don`t believe in miracles, field of view and dof are only acievable via image plane converters like mini35 and the like on small chip cameras.


Coco Bermudez
October 11th, 2007, 07:15 PM
Where do they sell these things? I've looked all over and I can't find one. I called their number in the U.S. but it rang forever.

Any idea where one can buy one...and for what price?

Not even B&H knows about this?

Coco Bermudez
October 12th, 2007, 12:23 AM
i was theory...could you connect Zoerk adapter Nikon to GY-HD100 and then connect a 35mm adapter to the nikon lens? This would make the image upside right

Nikon - 35mm Adapter - Nikon - Zoerk Adapter - GGY-HD100

would kind of look like the LetUs HD100?

Juan Pablo Ramirez
May 6th, 2009, 05:08 AM
I know these wont change the dof of the camera but would you be able to use better lenses to lessen CA and other imperfections that the stock lens has?

Alex Humphrey
May 6th, 2009, 06:01 PM
Zork & MTF shootout link. It's old and MTF has some new products out that are better. But start with reading from this link. Even some full frame frame grabs of the setup.

JVC GY-HD200 Lens adapter comparison - Zoerk VS MTF (

basically if you want to shoot nature from 60mm to 300mm you just can't with a stock lens or any video lens for that matter above 90mm. So the adapter means you can put on a top quality Nikon glass say 80-200mm Nikkor on your JVC body and get great shots in video. MTF has a new adapter that can even give you aperture control over the new lightweight DX lenses by Nikon. Meaning? $220 for a 55-200 4.5 Nikkor that you don't need any support for while it hangs off the front of your JVC. Not bad. The adapter will cost more than the lens in that case.

MTF is direct sales out of England and ship worldwide. I think Zork is the same way out of Germany? At home I have the link to MTF, (I'm at work now) but others here will have it before I get home.