View Full Version : 24F & 30F question

Devon Lyon
November 13th, 2006, 05:14 PM
Hope someone can help with the following question (Chris, if this isn't the right place, please feel free to send me elsewhere):

I have shot a bunch of test footage with my XH-A1 in 24F and 30F and imported and edited on PPro 2.0 via Cineform Aspect HD. I've exported as .mov and .avi and as MPEG-2 DVD both through Adobe Media Encoder and through TMPGEnc. I kept the settings at the progressive, or no fields, settings. The footage looks fantastic on my HD LCD TV and on my rear projection screen TV, but I notice interlace "teeth" on the edges of moving objects when viewed on my Sony WEGA CRT TV.

Any ideas why I only see the "teeth" on the CRT? Any initial ideas of what I'm doing wrong?

Would very much appreicate any insight! Thanks guys (and gals).

Chris Hurd
November 13th, 2006, 05:18 PM
Hmm... don't know if this should go to our Cineform forum or our Premiere forum...

Devon Lyon
November 13th, 2006, 05:23 PM
Wondered the same thing, but I know a lot of people are currently readling this thread and hoped they might be able to help...

Steve Nunez
November 13th, 2006, 05:49 PM
Perhaps this is an issue with the TV set itself as the other sets didn't seem to interlace the footage....can't wait to hear the end result of this one.

Devon Lyon
November 13th, 2006, 05:54 PM
I am currently trying a bunch of different variations on my export MPEG2 creation.

Steve, I agree, but could it be because the other two sets are not CRTs? It is a nice Sony TV and the DVD player is Sony that reads progressive DVDs. Odd I know...I will keep trying to figure it out.

Caleb Brewer
November 13th, 2006, 06:05 PM
I don't have an A1 so I don't know about that but you could play it on another CRT TV and see if it does the same.
It could be the player.
Does anything else you play on that TV and DVD player have any problems?

Henry Cho
November 13th, 2006, 06:06 PM

in premiere's export movie settings, can you verify that "keyframing and rendering" is set to "no fields"? even when working in a progressive project, premiere defaults to "lower field first" when exporting a movie file.

Devon Lyon
November 13th, 2006, 06:11 PM

Will do, I have a bunch of different tests that I will try at home tonight on my Sony CRT and will also try and find a different CRT/DVD combination.

Also, does anyone know what GOP settings we should use for 24f and for 30f when rendering out MPEGs? There is a setting for "M Frame" and a setting for "N Frame".

Jack Jenkins
November 13th, 2006, 06:15 PM
What is your dvd player set at? Mine has an option for 720p or 1080i.

Devon Lyon
November 13th, 2006, 09:32 PM
OK. I am now about 97% sure it is because the DVD player (Sony with progressive scan) that is hooked up to the TV will not play progressive scan DVDs properly (i.e., showing the "teeth") because I don't have it hooked up with component cables. When I tried to activate the progressive function it wouldn't work.

Sorry for asking the question, but I thought the DVD player was working properly. Add to that the fact that I thought the reason the clips looked fine on my HD LCD TV and my HD rear projection screen was because they were not CRT tubes, I think you can understand my confusion.

Two more things. I can now verify, without doubt, that HD footage captured to PPro 2.0 via Cineform Aspect HD and then rendered as a SD MPEG2 DVD looks MUCH better (seriously) when created through TMPEGenc then through Adobe Media Encoder. I have tested this a few times, with a few clips and asked two other people to give me their opinion. It requires an extra step because you need to render out your final file vial PPRo export > Movie > Cineform HD .avi file and then import into TMPEGenc, but there is a noticable difference.

Sorry for the long post, but can anyone please explain the GOP settings? What should M Frame and N Frame be set to for 30f and 24f footage?