View Full Version : Robotic movement- is there a plugin?

David Delaney
November 12th, 2006, 10:35 AM
I am wondering if there is a way to render out a still image every 60 frames or so - kind of like robotic where the image wouldn't be smooth at all, almost like robotic. I have seen the effect before, it isn't anything new, but instead of having to snap a still as I move along the timeline, is there a script or plugin that has the option to snap every '?' seconds and render out a AVI or even still images from it.


Emre Safak
November 12th, 2006, 11:25 AM
I am absolutely certain you can do this avisynth if not in Vegas. Did you try changing the frame rate of the clip?

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 12:19 PM
I am absolutely certain you can do this avisynth if not in Vegas. Did you try changing the frame rate of the clip?

Have a go using the Vegas Script: "Render Image Sequence" - sounds like what you want - huh? This will produce a series of JPEGs or PNGs. You set the START Time the STOP Time and the STEP Time. This you can adjust from a single frame upwards! Bring these back to the time-line OR use IMPORT as sequence from the folder!

Go: Tools>Scripting>"Render Image Sequence"

You could also try under-sampling. Reducing frame-rate? .. . Hmmm ...

Emre Safak
November 12th, 2006, 12:28 PM
You could also try under-sampling. Reducing frame-rate? .. . Hmmm ...
You know what I meant!

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 12:35 PM
You know what I meant!

Thanks Emre. WILL reducing Frame rate within Vegas give/is the same RESULT as under-sampling?

The Script is great fun!

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 12:44 PM
Oh yes! Do insert a velocity envelope to. Experiment with HIOW much robotic "look" you want by pulling the VeloEnvel down. Of course you will also need to pull out the event as you have dropped the over playback speed - yeah?

I've NOW got some really "jerking-about" ducks on my timeline at the moment! Thanks for asking the question! You have inspired me to do something ELSE now!! Many thanks.

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 12:46 PM
Oh Yes! - You can also get some neat "jerking" robotic stuff if you SPEED stuff up too! I've done that. Looks mad!

David Delaney
November 12th, 2006, 04:23 PM
Ok, I will try. I guess the stepping is the way to do it. I need to also figure out a way to make each frame last a little longer - without having to space the individual clips in 1 second intervals., I don't want it sped up so to speak, run a regular time, but robotic...

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 05:27 PM
DOUBLE post!! I deleted it.

Graham Bernard
November 12th, 2006, 05:27 PM
Ok, I will try. I guess the stepping is the way to do it. I need to also figure out a way to make each frame last a little longer - without having to space the individual clips in 1 second intervals., I don't want it sped up so to speak, run a regular time, but robotic...

NO! Don't do the spacing, no! Just insert a Velocity envelope. Let's say, for example, 100 frames last 10 seconds, a 50% Velocity Envelope would extend the playback to 50frames/10secs > then 25% would mean a 25frames/10seconds. Now that's 2.5frames per second. Now that WOULD be jerking - yeah?

Don't space out anything. Just import your image sequence back into your project OR a new project just for this jerky sequence. Insert a velocity envelope. Please don't take time in spacing out the single frames!

David Delaney
November 13th, 2006, 06:27 AM
Ok, but velocity Envelopes only speed or slow down so much, if I wanted a longer lag between...

Edward Troxel
November 13th, 2006, 08:43 AM
Ok, but velocity Envelopes only speed or slow down so much, if I wanted a longer lag between...

Velocity Envelope will go down to 0% (i.e. freeze frame) - how much slower do you want to go? (technically, it will go to -100% - full speed reverse)

Graham Bernard
November 13th, 2006, 08:47 AM
Ok, but velocity Envelopes only speed or slow down so much, if I wanted a longer lag between...

Hi David!

OK how much longer? Apart from using the VeloEnvel - you could ostensibly go down to 1% - you could then CRL stretch the event that would slow it down too. Then you could also render out a slow version and apply yet another Velo-Envelope too!

Hey, if you want/wish to use the separate images, space them out equally, then go for it. There is yet another script that places images to Markers, it is called SlideShowToMarkers. So you COULD place makers at say what interval you wanted and fire up this script.

Ian Stark
November 13th, 2006, 02:43 PM
If you want to spend money on a plugin try Pixelan's Steptime (comes as part of a bundle). You can specify the stop tempo, strobe tempo, mix etc. Might not be exactly what you're looking for but probably worth a demo download to see if it is!