Ben Lynn
November 12th, 2006, 09:16 AM
I'm going to be using my XL1s for some gymnastics next month. I'd like to use the frame mode for a clean slo-mo. My question is this, will the frame mode deliver a clean slo-mo or will the normal interlaced footage provide the best results (de-interlacing the normal material in post of course). Thanks.
Don Palomaki
November 12th, 2006, 05:28 PM
Normal will probably slo-mo better for smooth motion because the motion is sampled every 1/60 (NTSC) while frame mode is every 1/30 and thus has more motion between each field image.
But do test with moving subjects to see which works best for you.
Sassi Haham
November 12th, 2006, 11:22 PM
I used to shoot (birds) in frame mode using shutter speed of 1/50s' (PAL) to get nice footage.
But now I shoot in NORMAL mode for the reason of getting slo-mo.
If you like smooth footage WITHOUT slo-mo then use shutter speed of 1/60s', (use ND filters if needed).
When slo-mo is REQUIRED, you need to shoot interlaced, and raise the speed
to 1/500s' or 1/250s' (better experiment to see what shutter speed freezes the motion).
The smooth slo-mo is acquired by transforming each half frame into a full frame (same as shooting in frame rate of 60p instead of 60i) , in post.
I second Don that you need to experiment first with the lightning condition and the speed required to freeze the motion.
Ben Lynn
November 13th, 2006, 06:40 AM
Thanks for the info. On this shoot I won't have time to experiment with anything so I turned here to find out what works and doesn't. It's not a major issue where someone will point out if the slo mo isn't clean, but I try and make things look the best I can when possible.
Don Palomaki
November 14th, 2006, 07:44 PM
You can experiment by simulating the action, even in another venue, as long as the action speed is about the same; e.g., have someone run past you, toward you, away from you down the street, in a gym, etc.