View Full Version : record problem, help

Dale Guthormsen
November 11th, 2006, 11:11 PM
Today I took my xl2 out of the camera case and turned it to tv and in the view finder I got a red background instead of a blue one. When I panned I got reds and greens all over the place, kind of like blotches or sections still showing what you record. I haave inclosed two stills to show what I mean.

the camera worked great last day and nothing has happened outside of normal!!

I tried a couple different sizes and settings, hope they do!!

Dale Guthormsen
November 11th, 2006, 11:13 PM
I forgot to mention when I play a tape it plays the colors true as can be.

I tried different tapes too, just desperate.

Ian Thomas
November 25th, 2006, 02:23 PM
Hi Dale

Did you find out what is wrong wuth your XL2

Lou Bruno
November 25th, 2006, 07:35 PM
Unplug your camera EVF
Take out the small Lith-Ion battery
Remove the power source...battery or AC.

Let it stand for 20 minutes. Let us know how you make out....

Today I took my xl2 out of the camera case and turned it to tv and in the view finder I got a red background instead of a blue one. When I panned I got reds and greens all over the place, kind of like blotches or sections still showing what you record. I haave inclosed two stills to show what I mean.

the camera worked great last day and nothing has happened outside of normal!!

I tried a couple different sizes and settings, hope they do!!

Dale Guthormsen
November 26th, 2006, 11:40 PM
Thanks for the advice. I never did try removing all the power sources. I waited a week and had no responses so sent it off for repairs. It cost twice as much to insure it than it did to ship it!!
I will keep that info in my mind for the future. It did not make sense, it was perfect one day, placed in the case taken out 2 days later or so and it was waxed!! We did some serious off road driving and all I can think is it was to jostled around, weird stuff. When I get the report back I will post the post mortum on it.