View Full Version : Highlights Clip

Vito DeFilippo
November 10th, 2006, 08:35 AM
Hey all,

Finished a highlights clip recently that you might enjoy.

I didn't shoot it, but I did the edit. Feel free to beat me up about it. I'm always happy to learn from feedback.


Robert Johnston
November 10th, 2006, 10:57 AM
Sorry Vito, But your movie does'nt load up.

Vito DeFilippo
November 10th, 2006, 12:45 PM
That's funny. It's working for me.

It's in Quicktime H.264, which is Quicktime 7. Perhaps that's the problem. Or maybe the tinyurl. Here's the direct link:

Thanks for the heads up. I wonder if it's too early to start putting stuff on the web in QT7. Perhaps lots of people don't have it yet...


Terry Esslinger
November 10th, 2006, 02:09 PM
Worked for me.
I thought it was very well done. I particularly liked the opening and closing sequences and I liked the double take on the kiss with the music timing. The only thing that bothered me was the one use of the zoom/blur transition. Didn't seem to work IMHO. Great work.

Robert Johnston
November 10th, 2006, 03:55 PM
That worked. Did you use a filter, it looked very soft. I liked it too. The only crit is the quick picture to white transitions. It is better suited to more dramatic peices of music and to the beat, disolves would have been better.

Vito DeFilippo
November 10th, 2006, 11:07 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks for the kind commentaries. It's always good to get a sense of what people think work, and what they think doesn't...

The only filter I used was colour correction for the black and white to desaturate, and boost brightness and contrast. And I added some film grain and reduced saturation a bit in the rest, but that doesn't some across so well on the internet. Just softens a bit as you noticed.

Thanks again,

Eric Gan
November 14th, 2006, 01:23 PM
Hi Vito, I enjoyed watching that. Thanks for posting. Often, when watching clips of people you don't know, it gets boring real fast, but your shots and editing made the piece very watchable. I especially liked the use of cropping selected areas out of the screen.

I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted to deal with the blue cast from outside the church doors? If the situation is right, I just might pull out some sheets of CTO gels (color temperature orange) and put them up on the windows outside. The easy solution of course is to go B&W for that shot, or desaturate highlights, but my DP background begs to correct the lighting instead.


Vito DeFilippo
November 14th, 2006, 03:33 PM
Hi Vito, I enjoyed watching that. Thanks for posting. Often, when watching clips of people you don't know, it gets boring real fast, but your shots and editing made the piece very watchable. I especially liked the use of cropping selected areas out of the screen.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the comments. I'm really glad you liked it.

I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted to deal with the blue cast from outside the church doors?

It would probably be much easier to deal with in post with some kind of matte over the door. Then you could colour correct just the door.

Vito DeFilippo
November 14th, 2006, 04:19 PM
Though maybe you mean to correct for blue spill over a wider area. Then I suppose your idea of gels over the windows is better. But man, that's a lot of gels....