View Full Version : Packaging and presentation

Marion Abrams
November 9th, 2006, 01:19 PM
How do you package and present your completed DVDs? I have a nice printer, so I can print the couple's name and date. The last wedding I did I packaged in a case logic CD case. I put all the copies and the brides copies of the raw footage in it.

I really feel like there must be a more attractive way to present the video. After all the work tht goes into shooting and editing, the package seems disapointing.

Tom Tomkowiak
November 9th, 2006, 02:40 PM
I use printable DVDs, so on the front is some suitable freeze-frame pic of the B&G, along with other info like their names, date, etc., plus, of course, my contact info. The disk goes inside a white DVD case.

On the front of the case jacket is printed a collage of freeze-frames representing all the main events covered in the video; on the backside of the case is the DVD scene selection guide. (I used to have the scene selection guide as a separate card inside the case, but, based on requests for more copies, I guess these tend to get set aside and eventually lost or used as drink coasters. No such problem since I've made the guide part of the jacket.)

As far as delivery, it all depends on the prior agreement. On occasion, I mail them out (for an additional fee), but, mostly, I just end up on the doorstep of whomever paid for them(B&G...parents...), and hand over the stack of the # of cases agreed to +1. (+1 since everybody likes to get something free.)

No fancy packaging of the stack.

I never include raw footage, or even let anyone get their hands on it.

Steven Davis
November 9th, 2006, 02:51 PM
I use a variety of packaging. I use the white cases, black cases. The wedding I'm finishing is going to be 4 dvd's, I can't get around it. So when all the burning is done, I design a custom cover depending on my mood feel of the wedding.

I then package each dvd in white paper, wrap the bundle in a white paper, and present it to the couple as a gift. Along with tons of cards though. :}

I don't include raw footage anymore, that's mine for future use.

Marion Abrams
November 9th, 2006, 02:55 PM
Exactly what cases do you use? The ones I've found all look cheap and flimsy. I have been thinking about something like this

But haven'y found a good source.

Steven Davis
November 9th, 2006, 03:21 PM
Exactly what cases do you use? The ones I've found all look cheap and flimsy. I have been thinking about something like this

But haven'y found a good source.

Those are interesting, I haven't seen those. I get my cases from here. They have multi-cases that are built very well. The only catch is, they don't sell the paper inserts to match the size. That's what Kinkos is for. :}

Alastair Brown
November 9th, 2006, 03:24 PM
But haven'y found a good source.

Hoots Mon! Have you got Scottish blood in your veins?

I print my discs and have a photoshop template I use that I tweek for each couple. Try to run a theme through everything i.e. discs/cover/menus/titles

Michelle Lewis
November 10th, 2006, 08:35 AM
How do you package and present your completed DVDs? I have a nice printer, so I can print the couple's name and date. The last wedding I did I packaged in a case logic CD case. I put all the copies and the brides copies of the raw footage in it.

I really feel like there must be a more attractive way to present the video. After all the work tht goes into shooting and editing, the package seems disapointing.

Hi Marion, I design the jacket as prettily as I can, according to my client's personality, then I use clear DVD cases, so I can use images on both the front and interior of the case.

Michelle Lewis
November 10th, 2006, 08:37 AM
I use a variety of packaging. I use the white cases, black cases. The wedding I'm finishing is going to be 4 dvd's, I can't get around it. So when all the burning is done, I design a custom cover depending on my mood feel of the wedding.

I then package each dvd in white paper, wrap the bundle in a white paper, and present it to the couple as a gift. Along with tons of cards though. :}

I don't include raw footage anymore, that's mine for future use.

The white paper sounds cool Steven. I was thinking about purchasing some sort of decorative bag to hand-off the goods to the client. That's a good idea.

Marion Abrams
November 11th, 2006, 10:16 AM
I love the idea of a gift bag! I think I'll try that.
I just found these metallic sheen organdy fabric envelopes specifically sized to take a CD or DVD cases.

Thanks for the great ideas!

Peter Wiley
November 11th, 2006, 06:24 PM
Take a look at:

something different that can make unique presentation.

Janice DeMille
November 12th, 2006, 08:48 AM
We use silver plated cases and have them engraved with the bride & grooms names. Cost $19 each plus $7.50 engraving. We use more generic cases for extra copies.

We make custom menus and carry that theme to the DVD label also.