Ross Jones
November 8th, 2006, 07:48 PM
Excuse the ignorance here, but with the A1, is it possible to monitor 16 x 9 SD out of the S-Video port (say on a 9" video monitor) whilst recording HDV to tape/Firestore..?
Rgds, Ross.
Ross Jones
November 8th, 2006, 08:16 PM
Oops, just re-read the spec, and there's no S-Video...
So video out (for monitoring) would be via the 1/8" A/V connector, correct?
Did I read somewhere that there is also a BNC video out on the A1..? If so, whereabouts is that located by the way..?
Thx, Rgds, Ross.
Nick Weeks
November 8th, 2006, 09:33 PM
I think the BNC connector is on the back end... if you look at the battery compartment, it's on the right side, near the top
I thought the A1 had component out? Would that be through the 1/8" cable ross mentioned?
Bill Ritter
November 8th, 2006, 10:38 PM
I just got mine. I hooked up my 26 in HD LCD monitor to the component video cables that hook on in the back with supplied cable. At the same time I hooked up to a TV with composite AV cable.
There is a bnc connector next to the battery door on the right hand side next/above the spot where the G1 would have it's jack pack.
It was interesting to see both the HD and SD images at the same time (HD is awesome) although my TV was smaller and was not showing the entire width.
Have fun -- it is looking very good so far.
Ross Jones
November 11th, 2006, 09:36 AM
Is the Component Out via Canon-specific socket/plug, or is it an industry standard type of connector? Any chance of posting a pic of the plug/socket arrangement?
Also, the 1/8" connector just feeds Composite, right?
So my assumption is that the BNC offers a third video out option but as Composite, correct?
Can anyone verify..?
Thx, Rgds, Ross.
Nick Weeks
November 11th, 2006, 11:30 AM
I know for sure the BNC is composite as there's only one BNC plug... but I'd also like a pic of the connector used for component output
Brent Graham
February 21st, 2007, 12:10 PM
I'm wondering...
I have a widescreen computer monitor (LCD) that handles 1440x900 natively. I know this isn't quite enough, but how can I use this to monitor in the field?
I've plugged my A1 into the component cord, then converted the component to RGB plug for monitors. In my mind, this should work, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong?
I just need a cheap (couple hundred) monitor that doesn't have to be color perfect, a computer monitor will do.