View Full Version : Mixer 4 A1

Martin Noboa
November 8th, 2006, 03:16 PM
Hi, Iīm looking for a mixer, beachtek or sign video adapter, actually I donīt know which one is compatible with the hvr a1. With minimum two imputs to conect 2 mono mics, rode ntg2 + me64 for a film project.

Eventually upgrade to Sony V1 next year, so it has to be compatible with this unit too...

Budget - 400 maximum

ok, thanks in advance for your help


Paul Watkins
November 8th, 2006, 05:44 PM
I think this is what you want.

Martin Noboa
November 10th, 2006, 03:55 AM
yeah, but it doesnīt especifies that works with hvr a1, just with FX1,

and the same in the globalmediapro site
. by the way, in globalmedia they have the
BeachTek DXA-8 for almost the price of the Beachtek DXA-FX
in bhphoto
but again, they donīt mentino the hvr a1 as a compatible camera for them...