Adam Reuter
November 8th, 2006, 02:00 AM
I apologize if some of these have already been asked. I edited out questions that I know have been answered so far:
Does the camera hold focus through a zoom? Meaning, can I do the "zoom in, focus, zoom out" trick?
How well does the camera work, in all modes (60i, 24f) within Final Cut Pro. Does it have the major issues that the JVC HD100 users are having or not? Can Capture Now be used?
If you have a digital still camera, could you set it on a tripod and get the "proper exposure" for low light shots. See for an example. Then, try to get an equal exposure with you XH A1.
Any viewfinder lag issues in 24p or 60i modes?
If you own an incident light meter, what ISO/ASA speed does it equate to in 60i?
Is the camera is to hold with one hand through the handgrip or is it unstable?
How long does the stock battery last, using the flip-out monitor and rolling tape the entire time? How about just using the viewfinder...rolling tape the entire time?
Please post an audio clip (mp3/128kbps stereo preferrably) of the zoom noise issue.
Can the camera downconvert to SD through firewire?
The grid markings...are they based on rule of thirds or are they made for horizon lines/leveling?
Is the 1/32 ND filter good enough for very bright, direct sunlight?
Does this camera have a "60 minutes camera man mode" which makes me shoot better video...automatically?
Does the camera hold focus through a zoom? Meaning, can I do the "zoom in, focus, zoom out" trick?
How well does the camera work, in all modes (60i, 24f) within Final Cut Pro. Does it have the major issues that the JVC HD100 users are having or not? Can Capture Now be used?
If you have a digital still camera, could you set it on a tripod and get the "proper exposure" for low light shots. See for an example. Then, try to get an equal exposure with you XH A1.
Any viewfinder lag issues in 24p or 60i modes?
If you own an incident light meter, what ISO/ASA speed does it equate to in 60i?
Is the camera is to hold with one hand through the handgrip or is it unstable?
How long does the stock battery last, using the flip-out monitor and rolling tape the entire time? How about just using the viewfinder...rolling tape the entire time?
Please post an audio clip (mp3/128kbps stereo preferrably) of the zoom noise issue.
Can the camera downconvert to SD through firewire?
The grid markings...are they based on rule of thirds or are they made for horizon lines/leveling?
Is the 1/32 ND filter good enough for very bright, direct sunlight?
Does this camera have a "60 minutes camera man mode" which makes me shoot better video...automatically?