View Full Version : Premiere Pro and Main Concept
Gerson Becker November 5th, 2006, 04:10 PM Hi,
I read the posts about Main Concept plugin, downloaded and had the same problems: hangups, crashs...
Anyone actually can work with Premiere and MXF files? It´s a main concern, since the editors are not familiar with Vegas 7, which, by the way, is great.
Tip McPartland November 5th, 2006, 06:23 PM I downloaded the 2.0 version and it is there in Premiere, but it won't enable any capture of clips. Very confusing and disappointing so far.
I'm also trying to figure out Vegas 7.0b with the good help of Simon Wyndham, and that is working better but still a few problems to solve.
Tip McPartland
Daniel Moreno November 5th, 2006, 08:46 PM Same story here!
The main concept plugin doesn't work, I had to learn to use Vegas 7 and it is currently the best option I know (apparently Avid Liquid works to, but I like Vegas better). Still hoping adobe comes with an answer!
Tip McPartland November 6th, 2006, 12:40 AM I got somewhere when I tried importing rather than capturing files. It does work, but when doing much playback I get a freeze.
And to think I spend $399 on this currently bogus plug-in. I know there is an upgrade in the works and now overdue, but until then I'll stick with Vegas.
Nigel Cooper November 6th, 2006, 04:04 AM I think in the Windose world Sony Vegas is definately the most stable and simplest workflow for XDCAM and XDCAM HD.
Tip McPartland November 6th, 2006, 04:47 AM I've been able to make Vegas work perfectly today, but have been struggling with Premiere/MainConcept.
I have it working rather nicely, except for...
1) One particular clip always crashes it;
2) The project with all the other files successfully imported won't open;
3) When it does play, with an external monitor (firewire to DV deck, component to monitor) As I recall, the sync wasn't so bad only viewing through the preview window.
And aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Tip McPartland November 6th, 2006, 11:03 AM I think I solved most of my MainConcept problems. Workflow that was successful turned out to be copying the files from the camera to my array, then importing them.
For some reason my second file would always lock up the system on import, but once I merely bypassed that one, which was not vital, I was able to import all the other nine clips.
One issue is that there is no bar graph to tell you that import is working until the last couple of seconds, up to that point you go on faith, and it is basically indistinguishale from the behavior when it does freeze the system. So for clips measured in the gigabytes give them several minutes.
Once clips are imported, timeline performance seems to be very good, but this is not a long project. I finally got satisfactory playback on my external monitor, equivalent to what Vegas offers, that is SD via DV device (in my case JVC BR-D50 HDV deck set to DV input) but nice.
Audio sync remains a small problem, but if sound is also routed through the firewire device, sync is acceptable if still not perfect, of course then it's out compared to the on-screen display.
Nonetheless, the experiences I've had with Vegas and MainConcept to date have heightened my long-standing appreciation for Cineform. All of us XDCAM HD users should let David Newman at Cineform know that we need him to pay what royalties he must to give us a Cineform solution.
Give me Cineform or give me death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!