View Full Version : Help w/ How to View HD from JVC

Brian Scott Fitzgerald
November 5th, 2006, 01:19 PM
I am new to HD, so be gentle. I just purchased a JVC HD100, a Mac G5 with a 17" Studio and a 20" Cinema monitor. I also have Xerox 19" display and a Dell 2300MP DLP projector. The Xerox 19" has one Digital DVI and 2 Analog VGA connections

I shot some footage from the Camera in HDV onto the mini DV/HDV JVC tape.

I want to know what is the best way to display the HD footage from the JVC HD100.

I used the Dell 2300 Projector, but just with the yellow video, so Iam assuming this was not HD quality. It has a VGA out, VGA in, RS-232, Audio, In, Yellow Video, S-Video and USB remote connections. It says it can do Component and is true XGA at 1024*768. How do I get HD out of this projector?

I have several cables that came with the projector, one is a D-sub to YPbPr cable, it has VGA on one end and three colors, red, blue and green on the other, I tried to plug that into the Xerox display, With the green in the Y, the Blue in the Pb and the red in the Pr, but the colors were too green. What does D-sub mean, should that not work on the Monitor?

I would like to use the Video Signal Output Connectors from the JVC HD100 (the Y,Pb, Pr), but not sure how to use the monitors.

Can I get a Y,Pb,Pr to DVI cable? Or is there a Y,Pb,Pr to VGA cable? Or should I get the IEEE 1394 6-pin firewire cable to view? Or should I buy a new LCD TV with Y, Pb, Pr connections?

Thanks for the help,

Dan Keaton
November 5th, 2006, 02:01 PM
Welcome to DVInfo.Net.

The members on this forum will be happy to assist you.

I did a Google search and found a Dell 2300MP DLP projector.

Is this the projector you have?

According to your posts, and to the Dell 2300MP specifications, you have a S-Video input, but not component inputs.

According to JVC's website, your camera does not have S-Video outputs, but does have component outputs

The composite video output of your camera, in my opinion, is not HD. You would have to use the component outputs to display HD. On your camera, these are label Y, PB, and PR

However, since your current project does not have component inputs, in my opinion, you can not display true HD with your combination of camera and projector. You can use the "Yellow" composite output of your camera to the composite inputs of your projector.

You can however, if you choose to do so, capture your footage to a Non-Linear Editor (NLE), then create a DVD for projection using your current projector. Alternatively, you could have someone else create a DVD of your footage.

This does require a committment on your part to learn a NLE. Also, normal DVD players are not HD, but you camera produces very good images and properly captured, and then put onto a DVD, will allow you an opportunity to see very good, much better than broadcast or cable tv quality, images. These will not be true HD, but will be very nice.

Your projector's native resolution is 1024 x 768, if you have a 2300 MP. This is not true HD, but close.

I will be happy to answer any other questions you may have. Others may have additional information for you.

Guy Cochran
November 9th, 2006, 05:48 PM
Your Dell 2300 projector is HD 1080i and 720p compatable. Use the VGA to component cable and hook it up to the JVC direct. You won't get HD rez through S-Video or Composite.

We have an infocus and canon projector that we use with the FX1 to view footage and it looks great blown up on our 12' screen :)

That is only viewing from the camera via tape.

I'm sure that you probably want to use something that isn't eating up $300 bulbs though.

Another option would be to get a $999 Matrox MXO box and use it while editing to view HD through your Cinema Display.

Or option 3... get a $249 Black Magic Intensity card, drop that in your mac, then go buy a "cheap" HDMI HDTV.