View Full Version : iRiver deleted file help
Janice DeMille November 5th, 2006, 01:14 PM Does anyone know of software to recover files accidentally deleted from iRivers? I found a few with a search engine, I downloaded the Flobo MP3 file recovery program (trial version) but it cannot find the iRiver as it is not a drive.
The file I am trying to recover is the vows from a wedding.
thanks in advance for any help with this.
Vincent Croce November 5th, 2006, 04:27 PM Janice-
I use BadCopy Pro to recover files and it has worked with everything I've thrown at it, whether hdd deletions or improperly finalized dvd's from my daughter's camcorder. It's worth every penny when you recover important data such as you're talking about.
Get the trial copy and see what it'll find, then if it finds your missing files, buy the full version to get them.
It will see the iriver as digital media and let you search through it's memory. I haven't used it on my irivers yet (or any other flash type storage) so I can't vouch for it's capabilities with it, but it's the best recovery program I've found yet...I first found it when recovering the birth footage of my granddaughter from the daughter's corrupted Sony minidisk--she'd already sent it off to a company (that was charging her $400) but they sent it back, saying they couldn't do anything with it. Then she passed it to me and 'VOILA' I'm a hero!
Good luck with it.
Vito DeFilippo November 5th, 2006, 06:54 PM There's also a firmware upgrade for the irivers that lets you then see it as a drive in Windows. Then you would be able to try the recovery software again.
The firware is called "UMS Firmware". Do a search to find the one for your model. I can't find it for you since you don't mention which one you are using.
The ifp-700 series is here for example:
Go to the iriver site. Choose support, your model number, then UMS firmware. Read the instructions carefully!
Good luck.
Monday Isa November 5th, 2006, 09:03 PM Hey Janice,
Vito gave you good idea with upgrading your firmware only after you retrieve your file. But be aware that your bitrate at recording drops significantly from 320 down to 96. 96kbps is useable but you can hear a difference when using nice speakers with 96kbps vs 192kbps and up.
Vincent Croce November 5th, 2006, 09:17 PM Janice-Like Monday said, upgrading the firmware will automatically reformat the IRiver and you'll lose any trace of the files you're looking for. I'd advise against it for that reason--and it's true that the UMS firmware drops your max bitrate also. 96kbps would not be usable for weddings, IMO...
Vito DeFilippo November 5th, 2006, 10:46 PM You are right that the firmware upgrade will format the iriver. But most data recovery software is able to retrieve data from drives formatted by mistake. So I would still try this approach if nothing else helps you get your file back.
If it worked, you could then reflash the iriver with the old firmware to get back the abillity to record over 96kbps.
Michael Dempsey November 6th, 2006, 11:59 AM also don't record/write anything else to it. if you do there is potential it will overwrite the data you're looking for. you were....
Janice DeMille November 7th, 2006, 03:42 PM I did look into upgrading the firmware and read that it would format the drive so decided against it. I also looked into BadCopy Pro but couldn't see if it would recover the iRiver files.
Has anyone used BadCopy with iRivers? Or any other software for that matter?
thanks to all for your input here.
Vincent Croce November 7th, 2006, 08:59 PM Hey Janice-
I recorded some voice on my IRiver 895, deleted it, updated my firmware to version 1.28 UMS (the only way BadCopy Pro can scan it is to see it as a drive in Windows, just like Vito said), which reformatted it. I then ran BadCopy on it and it found absolutely, it looks like BadCopy Pro is not the way to go in your situation. At least now we know for sure.
Good luck finding another way with this thing.
Vito DeFilippo November 7th, 2006, 09:35 PM Dang, that's bad news! Do you know if BadCopy Pro is able to recover from accidental formatting of hard drives?
Another test you might try, now that you have the new firmware, is to record something, delete it and see if BadCopy Pro can recover it (without changing firmware in between).
Vincent Croce November 8th, 2006, 11:22 AM Nah, enough IRiver testing for me. I'm back at 1.29 firmware again...
Vito DeFilippo November 8th, 2006, 02:25 PM Perhaps I'll get a chance to try it myself. I've got an ifp-899 on order that should arrive in a few days...
Chris Low June 12th, 2007, 10:53 AM Has anyone found a solution that works? I'm in the same boat with deleted vows I thought I transferred to my computer.
I contacted iRiver to see if they had any suggestions, but no response to my email and it's been over 2 weeks.
Thanks in advance!
Mark Anthony July 12th, 2007, 12:23 AM If your iRiver can be mounted as a volume and can be shown as a drive letter in my computer then Stellar Phoenix Windows Data recovery Software will recover your data.This data recovery ( software recovers lost, deleted and formatted digital photos / pictures / images / audio files from removable media, after an accidental deletion, media format or corrupt media.
Download the demo:
To see if it does work.