View Full Version : CLIP: Wedding Trailer

Jerome Cloninger
November 4th, 2006, 06:05 PM
Hello everyone! I visit these forums mostly for camera research and members of the other 2 big wedding forums out there.

Thought I would see what you all think of one of my trailers. Feel free to post any kind of feedback!

They are huge movie buffs and wanted something a little different for wedding videos and wanted to incorporate a familiar aspect to trailers if it were possible, so I hired a "Mr. Voice" to do the VO.

Vincent Croce
November 4th, 2006, 06:18 PM
I liked the pacing, but what really stood out to me (besides the trailer styling, of course) was how brilliantly the oranges came through, especially with the flower shots. What did you use to bring it out so well? Magic Bullet?
Nice job, Jerome--thanks for posting it..

Jerome Cloninger
November 4th, 2006, 06:21 PM
I liked the pacing, but what really stood out to me (besides the trailer styling, of course) was how brilliantly the oranges came through, especially with the flower shots. What did you use to bring it out so well? Magic Bullet?
Nice job, Jerome--thanks for posting it..
Thanks for watching Vincent. I shoot with 3 HC1 cameras and I just have the settings set right for my tastes... No special filters applied to the footage, just tweak levels a little in post and sometimes boost/cut saturation a little.

Patrick Moreau
November 4th, 2006, 10:44 PM
I liked the idea and the pacing. The VO did a good job and had a nice feel. I thought several shots could use some more post on them, som elooked really flat and unbalanced, which stands ot even more when you have some other gorgeous shots. The audio at the beginning also sounded very busy, and therefore distracting, but thats just what I caught.

Jerome Cloninger
November 4th, 2006, 11:50 PM
I liked the idea and the pacing. The VO did a good job and had a nice feel. I thought several shots could use some more post on them, som elooked really flat and unbalanced, which stands ot even more when you have some other gorgeous shots. The audio at the beginning also sounded very busy, and therefore distracting, but thats just what I caught.
Thanks for watching and commenting Patrick! Which shots do you feel needs some post work? One that stands out in my mind is the B&W of them walking off into the distance. I wanted to somehow put a part of the vows in there and perhaps it was a little busy...... will keep in mind for the next one.

Thanks again!

Chris David
November 5th, 2006, 01:37 AM
If you don't mind me asking where did you get that music? I have a non-wedding releated video that will fit perfectly with that style, by the way very nice video!

I had two friends next to the computer watching (no video background) and they were amazed!

Jerome Cloninger
November 5th, 2006, 09:55 AM
If you don't mind me asking where did you get that music? I have a non-wedding releated video that will fit perfectly with that style, by the way very nice video!

I had two friends next to the computer watching (no video background) and they were amazed!
The couple chose it and supplied it. The info is there at the very end on the credit screen... pause it.

Its funny to watch people's reactions who do not have a video background compared to those that do...

Terry Esslinger
November 5th, 2006, 01:02 PM
I thought the video and concept was very well done. May have to make use of it myself. However I had a very hard time picking out the VO from the background music.

Vincent Croce
November 5th, 2006, 04:34 PM
Jerome--On the subject of how people with no video editing experience view footage differently than we do--when I delivered my very first (non-family) wedding package to the b&g, I sat down and watched with them for a bit. They were enjoying it immensely but I made the mistake of pointing out to them every little mistake I had made with the camera work, none of it which was noticed by them. I now keep my critical eye for my post work (and viewing stuff put up on this forum for critique) and don't share it with my clients...they're much happier that way...

Joe Allen Rosenberger
November 5th, 2006, 04:40 PM
Vince, do you still watch the final vids with your client's??? To me, I find this very odd/strange, something I would never do.
I could understand this if you're allowing them to aid with the edits.

Jerome--On the subject of how people with no video editing experience view footage differently than we do--when I delivered my very first (non-family) wedding package to the b&g, I sat down and watched with them for a bit. They were enjoying it immensely but I made the mistake of pointing out to them every little mistake I had made with the camera work, none of it which was noticed by them. I now keep my critical eye for my post work (and viewing stuff put up on this forum for critique) and don't share it with my clients...they're much happier that way...

Jerome Cloninger
November 5th, 2006, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I made that mistake during my first year. After doing about 6 weddings I met with a potential client and pointed out somethings and lost the booking due to that fact. From that point on, I never point out things to past, current, or potential clients.

Jerome--On the subject of how people with no video editing experience view footage differently than we do--when I delivered my very first (non-family) wedding package to the b&g, I sat down and watched with them for a bit. They were enjoying it immensely but I made the mistake of pointing out to them every little mistake I had made with the camera work, none of it which was noticed by them. I now keep my critical eye for my post work (and viewing stuff put up on this forum for critique) and don't share it with my clients...they're much happier that way...

Vincent Croce
November 5th, 2006, 04:57 PM
No Joe, I don't do this with any of my clients as a regular thing. It's just that I had wrapped up my first full package so I called the b&g and told them I was going to be out their way and could drop it off (it was a beautiful day for a ride on the bike). They invited me to sit down and chat and, of course, they wanted to take a look at the finished product, so I stayed and watched for about 15 min with them. If it ever happens again I'll keep my mouth closed.

Tom McDougal
November 6th, 2006, 08:03 AM
This is great video. I'm sure the b&g loved it.
VO person is great. Pace and tempo are on point with the music selection. You should think about doing this more for your clients as something as a preview or the first part of the DVD... I enjoyed it and think most of here have (from our pov)

Jerome Cloninger
November 6th, 2006, 11:59 AM
This is great video. I'm sure the b&g loved it.
VO person is great. Pace and tempo are on point with the music selection. You should think about doing this more for your clients as something as a preview or the first part of the DVD... I enjoyed it and think most of here have (from our pov)

I researched the VO person from credits, and was trying to find cost. Not to be nosiy, how much did he quote you? There is no mention on price on hise voice123 site...
B/G and family went nuts over this! I have been making trailers for the latter part of this year for all the weddings and put up on a special page 1-2 days after the wedding. This one got a ton of hits withing the first day of posting form everyone at the wedding.

Rick did a great job, his rates vary, but has a standard he goes with. Contact him through v123 (its free to register and contact him) and he is quick.

Glad you liked it.

Patrick Moreau
November 6th, 2006, 01:40 PM
Thanks for watching and commenting Patrick! Which shots do you feel needs some post work? One that stands out in my mind is the B&W of them walking off into the distance. I wanted to somehow put a part of the vows in there and perhaps it was a little busy...... will keep in mind for the next one.

Thanks again!

The bouquet toss shots seemed the most off to me but I think I caught several others that could benefit from some tweaking. Going that far with color correction really depends on what market your aiming for and how much time you want to put into each package.

Vincent Croce
November 10th, 2006, 07:39 AM
I enjoyed your trailer so much I had to do one of my own for the wedding I'm currently editing. I know the ending title is a standard trailer fare, as well as the 'available soon on dvd' V/O, but do you feel I borrowed too much from your trailer's style? If I'm crossing the line and taking too much from you and your work, just let me know...(imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery, you know ;) )
And thanks for the inspiration. I like the whole concept, as it's a relatively quick and painless way to throw a teaser up right after the wedding. Can you guess where I grabbed the music from?

Robert Johnston
November 10th, 2006, 09:36 AM
Pirates, aho mateee. Hope you payed copyright for use of music, lol.

Vincent Croce
November 10th, 2006, 11:40 AM
Arrggh, Cap'n Rob, ya caught me with chain-shot right across me bow, ya scurvy dog ya...

Robert Johnston
November 10th, 2006, 04:14 PM
I won't be a tellen, not that I use it of course. I'll use royalty free instead. Besides they charge to much over here as it is £56 just for three dvd's. Fair enough you do get 30 min of music but considering the top package here is £600. That does not leave much for the poor video guy after his expenses. I put that cost to the b&g if they want it and explain that it is the cost of copyright music on there video.

Jerome Cloninger
November 10th, 2006, 09:11 PM
I enjoyed your trailer so much I had to do one of my own for the wedding I'm currently editing. I know the ending title is a standard trailer fare, as well as the 'available soon on dvd' V/O, but do you feel I borrowed too much from your trailer's style? If I'm crossing the line and taking too much from you and your work, just let me know...(imitation IS the sincerest form of flattery, you know ;) )
And thanks for the inspiration. I like the whole concept, as it's a relatively quick and painless way to throw a teaser up right after the wedding. Can you guess where I grabbed the music from?
Hey Vincent. I don't mind you adopting that style. I liked your edit.... Email sent you as well.

Vincent Croce
November 11th, 2006, 12:34 AM
Thanks Jerome. Appreciate the comments.

Peter Chung
November 13th, 2006, 08:25 PM
Hi Jerome!

Finally got to download and watch the trailer. My internet connection has been finicky and it would only partially download the trailer.

I really liked the VO! It really made the trailer cool.

My only comment is that in the beginning with the little girls singing over the music, it sounded kinda creepy... no offense.

Michael W. Niece
November 22nd, 2006, 03:01 PM
I loved the videos. And the kids singing is sort of scary. The best way to make something scary is to mix kids singing with any kind of background music. It's one of the oldest movie tricks. But I still loved the videos you both made.


Vincent Croce
November 22nd, 2006, 03:53 PM
Thanks Mike. It was my first one, and I know I need to improve on the V/O, but it was fun and relatively quick, and the B&G loved it, so I'm happy with it.