View Full Version : Zeiss monster lens

Per Johan Naesje
November 3rd, 2006, 01:29 AM
As a curiosity to us wildelife phtotgraphers, Zeiss has made a monster telephoto lens, Apo Sonnar T 1700mm f/4, weight more than 250kg!

Pursuant to Outdoor Photography magazine: Zeiss actually sold this lens to a falconer, the son of the Emir of Quatar. He will customise a Land Rover with a turret to support the lens and his Hasseblad from the open rooftop."

More info about the lens:

Well, I'm just thinking how it will be to sit in the mountain with this lens in front of my XL2, with a focal lenght of 13000mm +. Not to talk about the haze issue ;-)

Have a nice weekend :-)

Brendan Marnell
November 3rd, 2006, 05:21 AM
It's nice to read that SUV's are not confined to shopping centre car parks all the time Per Johan.

When you become bored with your 250kg lens do flip it in my direction or let me mind it for you some weekend. Give my regards to the Right Honourable.

Will be in touch about website as soon as the light fades. Until then have fun.

Dale Guthormsen
November 3rd, 2006, 09:58 AM
Per johan, brendan,

My son will be in Qutar, wonder if he could link up with the emir to attach a cam corder to it and see if he can spot us from there!!

what it must be like to have no financial concerns. heck I am saving just to get a 100 to 400 zoom and i am building a rail to support it. wonder what they will use it for???