View Full Version : Any Rock Requests?

Damian Clarke
November 2nd, 2006, 04:20 PM
I was just wondering if anyone ever gets asked to edit to rock music by the bride and groom, or indeed any lively cool stuff. I was listening to 'Feeder - Buck Rogers' and thought how interesting it would be to edit to. Or maybe 'Nine Inch Nails', now that would be very interesting.
Just think, an 80's hair metal track or a psychadellic 60's 70's song, we could finally use all those cheesy transistions they insist on including in NLE's! yay (or maybe not).
Any thoughts? What tracks would you most like a bride and groom to give you?

Vito DeFilippo
November 2nd, 2006, 11:06 PM
I've had brides and grooms request all kinds of rock and uptempo music. I remember doing the groom preparation to "Back in Black" a while back..."Lady" by Lenny Kravitz, some song by 50 cent, etc, etc. It's fun to do this because it completely changes the way you edit the section.

Jason Magbanua
November 3rd, 2006, 11:07 AM
hi all.

we're quite fortunate that we have quite a number of clients who go for rock and roll/alternative music. perhaps because from the outset, i condition them to think beyond what is traditionally defined as wedding music.

some samples: - The Postal Service - Lifehouse

(took some down to conserve bandwidth)

sorry. i rarely post here so indulge the avalanche of wmvs.

thanks for watching. :)

Alastair Brown
November 3rd, 2006, 01:59 PM
Way to go Jason. REALLY nice work!

Ben Mahoney
November 3rd, 2006, 06:23 PM
Jason, those were really, really fantastic. I was wondering how you got such a film quality look? Also, how did you get that neat little writing blip in the first video listed, right at the beginning in the upper left hand corner? That was really cool. Thanks for sharing, I was really blown away.

Damian Clarke
November 4th, 2006, 01:37 AM, they were outstanding! Beautiful colours, effects, shots, movement and of course music. You should post here more often if that's what you've got!
You have inspired me this fine morning. I particularly liked 'hilary_intro', what was the song used in it?

Sorry, I'm dumb..I just noticed you have the artist named after your links...doh lol

Richard Wakefield
November 4th, 2006, 02:28 AM
Jason, (u should have started a new thread with those clips, this is starting to deviate a bit!!)

absolutely love 'em! so good to see someone else who gets really filthily stuck in there with extreme colours, unique angles, and is not afraid to have shots that show for milliseconds!!
also, love the subtle time titles, the moody lighting shots, vignetting, selective-out-of-focus...
If you really do those Same-Day, i'm impressed!
also, had to have a look at your site, and have to say i actually laughed out loud to your very witty and unique FAQ answers :)

Ben, i'm completely guessing the answers to your questions (let's see if Jason says i'm right??):
- film quality look via FX1, Premiere Pro 2, After Effects, Magic Bullet, Film Magic and/or own colouring presets
- blips, film scratches...u'll find a CD on ebay with old-film-look clips, or even trawl around on the net for them...personally i use 'luma-keying', or even screening, to make them see-through (most people would think to just turn down the opacity)

Jason Magbanua
November 4th, 2006, 05:27 AM
Thanks all for watching. Sorry the thread got derailed.

Hilary's song is Such Great Heights by Postal Service. The layered old film look is from artbeats film clutter volume 1. They're pretty cool if done right.

Richard, you're right for the most part, tweaked FX1s, Prem 1.5, Magic Bullet and FilmFx. Though no AEX.

Thanks again,

Vito DeFilippo
November 4th, 2006, 06:40 AM
Jason, those clips are a breath of fresh air. Thanks for posting.

Joe Allen Rosenberger
November 5th, 2006, 04:46 PM
Really good stuff Jason!

I use rock/alternative music as much as possible. I always encourage clients to choose music that is non traditional and more that represents who they are, what they like, their personalities, etc., and that will also sound good 10 yrs from now ie. stand the test of time.

I am highly against using a track just for the sake of using it. IMO, the music should "fit" the ambience, mess with the footage captured.....and compliment the clips.

There is no "bad music", but not all music fits with what was captured of one's wedding day.