View Full Version : Low-Light sample- Boa (snake)

Steve Nunez
October 31st, 2006, 05:25 PM
Hi guys, I see allot of people saying the camera isn't too good in low-light- but I'm finding it somewhat decent and have posted a clip of a Dumeril's Boa shot with a single lamp a short distance's handheld ("IS" OFF) so forgive the slight shake and I've compressed it (H.264) and present it here at 1/2 resolution- but this should give a fair representation of what it shoots like with poor lighting.

Luis A. Diaz
October 31st, 2006, 09:08 PM
Hi guys, I see allot of people saying the camera isn't too good in low-light- but I'm finding it somewhat decent and have posted a clip of a Dumeril's Boa shot with a single lamp a short distance's handheld ("IS" OFF) so forgive the slight shake and I've compressed it (H.264) and present it here at 1/2 resolution- but this should give a fair representation of what it shoots like with poor lighting.

Amazing, well done. I too find that this camcorder does exceptionally well under regular room lights wth barely any perceptible noise.

this is not a "daylight" only camcorder by any means.


Daymon Hoffman
November 1st, 2006, 02:29 AM
Geezus! B E A UTIFUL! What shutter speed (or similar settings) was that shot at Steve?

Steve Nunez
November 1st, 2006, 06:07 AM
Thanks guys, it was Aperture Priority at 3.6 and I could have opened up 2 more stops for more light but liked the darkened background- so to say it's poor in low light sorta baffles me. It also has very little noise in the dark areas- another plus to CMOS sensors when compared to CCD's.

It's an amazing camera only flawed by it's omission of a mic input- but I'm sure it's next incarnation will have one as the demand seems overwhelming.

If the XH A1 produces better video- and I'm sure it will, Canon will surely dominate the HDV market.
(I actually like the video the HV10 produces better than my FX-1)

Lee Wilson
November 1st, 2006, 12:18 PM
Thanks guys, it was Aperture Priority at 3.6 and I could have opened up 2 more stops for more light but liked the darkened background- so to say it's poor in low light sorta baffles me. It also has very little noise in the dark areas- another plus to CMOS sensors when compared to CCD's.

(I actually like the video the HV10 produces better than my FX-1)

Great stuff !

Was it behind glass ? (I hope so !)

Why only 15 fps :(

Also I agree with your FX-1 comment, I have not owned a FX-1/Z1 but have used them a fair bit and have much footage on my hard drive I have shot with a friends Z1 and - to me at least - the stuff coming out of the HV10 is better.

Steve Nunez
November 1st, 2006, 04:29 PM
It was not behind glass....I compressed it to 15fps to save file size.

Thanks for the comments- the camera is indeed impressive.

Lee Wilson
November 1st, 2006, 08:09 PM
It was not behind glass....I compressed it to 15fps to save file size.

I was playing around and I must say that After Effects does a great job at generating the 'missing' frames and returning your footage to 30fps !

Daymon Hoffman
November 2nd, 2006, 03:49 AM

Would love to see the native m2t file for a second or two of that snake footage :)

That footage does look stunning. *watches clip again*

Steve Nunez
November 2nd, 2006, 05:58 PM
Daymon, sorry I deleted the original M2T files after conversion to HDV.