Raul Canas
October 31st, 2006, 03:43 AM
Iīm considering buying the A1 insted of the H1 because I donīt need the SDI output and probably I wont change the lens. Acctually Iīm working with a DVCAM DSR-390 with the canon YH19x lens but if I change to HDV I donīt want to loose camara resolution and lens quality. A1 and H1 have the same ccds, is the A1 lens going to be as good as H1īs?, will A1īs resolution be as the H1īs?
Pete Bauer
October 31st, 2006, 07:57 AM
...is the A1 lens going to be as good as H1īs?, will A1īs resolution be as the H1īs?That is the general expectation, but since the A1 hasn't been released yet, we don't know. Once they're on the street, reviews will appear quickly.
Tom Roper
October 31st, 2006, 10:37 AM
The XH-A1/G1 uses fluorite, Canon very best L-Series glass. Whether that translates into equality with the XL-H1 or not, it's going to be very good. In fact Kaku's clips already look nicely resolved.
You can count on over exhuberance to rule the day. But I suspect that as before, there will be little to no actual discernable difference between this and even the little Canon HV10 under bright sunny conditions. That's how close these HDV cams are to each other. The differences between cams and brands will be more apparent in low light and feature sets.