View Full Version : hard drive recording unit for XH A1? (like Sony's HVR-DR60)

Tim Spencer
October 30th, 2006, 03:54 PM
Is it possible to get a hard drive recording unit for XH A1?
(like Sony's HVR-DR60 for the HVR-V1U)

Thanks! :)

Chris Barcellos
October 30th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Hi Tim, again:

1. I think the Sony will work with other cams, check their specs again, but may have problems with some of the specialty formats.

2. Also, Google Firestore, and CitiDisk.

Dave Perry
October 30th, 2006, 05:36 PM
Fire Store just came out with a compatible drive.

Devon Lyon
October 30th, 2006, 07:58 PM
Has anyone checked out the Focus FS-4 Pro HD recorder? I just received an email from Focus Enhancements ( and it lists the .m2t format and the Canon XL-H1 as compatible. Wouldn't that mean the XH-A1 as well? Says the drive uses the firewire for direct capture. Anyone tired this product?

Steve Nunez
November 6th, 2006, 05:34 PM
The FS4 HD does indeed work with the A1 totally tapeless if desired- with remote triggering too!

Meryem Ersoz
November 6th, 2006, 05:45 PM
hi steve: so does your FS-4 HD then work with both the A1 and also your FX-1? is it compatible with both units? i was looking at the new Sony direct-to-disk, but i would like one unit to work with both a G1 and the FX-1....

Steve Nunez
November 6th, 2006, 06:24 PM
Hello Meryem (it's been awhile), well here's the deal- the FX-1 will work with the FS-4HD but only manually. This means you'll have to press the "Rec" button on the FS-4HD unit itself- it wont trigger from the FX-1's "Rec" button as normal. But that's assuming you want a totally tapeless workflow: if you want to record to BOTH tape and HD you can indeed trigger the FS-4HD to record via the FX-1's "Rec" button if a tape is in the FX-1 and you chose "Synch" mode on the FS-4HD! It works very well.

There's a slight catch to this workflow: It records the HDV as a native M2T stream which means you'll have to transcode the files to something your NLE can edit with (HDV for FCP users and ?? for PC users)- so In a way it sorta defeats the "time" benefit of a tapeless workflow as no NLE's I'm aware of can work with native M2T files. These M2T files are quite large and take longer than realtime to transcode (at least on an Intel iMac) so while there will be no batch capturing necessary- you'll need to convert those files- it's a no-win situation right now for HDV users of the FS-4HD.

However- this is assuming you're using a FS4HD.......the "Pro" version can be ugraded to make the hi-def video into a "format native" HD file such as HDV for Mac users and whatever PC users use- making it true drag and drop ready to edit! This is the "Pro" versions only- so check with Focus Enhancements before you buy to make certain it meets what you expect.

~~ Note: the Sony version which was just released has these same issues- the FX-1 CAN'T trigger it without a tape inserted and it produces M2T files! So no tapeless workflow is possible with the FX-1 and that Sony DTD unit. The smaller V1U (something like that??) WILL work tapeless as Sony put whatever "DV-out" command via Firewire that the unit recognizes and will indeed work w/o tape inserted- and triggers from the camera's "Rec" button! ~~

The best solution is the FS4HD Pro with the "Upgrade" for native HD...they cost a bit more but are the only tapeless workflow that actually saves time and has a degree of ease-of-use for NLE use. FE just released some new versions of which I am not aware of the specs- give their site a once over at the newer units to see what they offer.

The Canon XH's work PERFECTLY in a tapeless workflow as they can trigger the FS4HD (and Pro) via the camera's "rec" button w/o tape necessary!

Hope this helps.

Meryem Ersoz
November 6th, 2006, 06:48 PM
yes, very thorough and helpful, thanks for the info!

Cody Lucido
November 7th, 2006, 09:07 AM
I'm curious, M2T files pull right in to my Premiere Pro 2.0 without any conversion. Why do people keep mentioning a conversion?

I have yet to try importing an m2t file in to FCP, but I will try this week.

Steve Nunez
November 7th, 2006, 10:02 AM
Let us know what happens when you try it with FCP.

Jay Stebbins
November 7th, 2006, 01:03 PM
Steve can you capture "24f & 30f" in the Quicktime HDV on the HD-FS4 "Pro"?

Thomas Smet
November 7th, 2006, 01:19 PM
Liquid can also import native m2t files. I download m2t sample files here on dvinfo and they work great in Liquid.

Steve Nunez
November 7th, 2006, 04:24 PM
Jay, you can capture 24f and 30f in M2T format only. Only the FS-4Pro can do native HDV format- wether they can do the 24/30f modes are unknown but I'd guess they could.

Chris Barcellos
November 7th, 2006, 04:32 PM
I'm curious, M2T files pull right in to my Premiere Pro 2.0 without any conversion. Why do people keep mentioning a conversion?

I have yet to try importing an m2t file in to FCP, but I will try this week.

I think they are worried about editing in Native HDV. There are a lot of threads on the issue of loss of original information when editing, due the the nature of the beast. Thus, the people that want to edit in a lossless codec like Cineform's codec, will still have to convert after transfer to their system.

Steve Nunez
November 7th, 2006, 04:37 PM
Just tried importing M2T files into FCP and it says they're "unrecognized" and don't import at all....they'll need to be converted.