View Full Version : couple of questions about operations HD-110

BT Corwin
October 29th, 2006, 09:54 PM
can you have the viewfinder and the lcd screen active at the same time?
IIRC, with the HD-100 you could only have one or the other, and if you wanted to use the viewfinder, you had to close the lcd screen. Has this been fixed?

Changing/setting TC. I use reel numbers for each tape (tape one starts at 1:00:00, tape 2 starts at 2:00:00, etc.) On the HD-100, I think it took 8 steps to go into the menus and reset the starting TC to the new reel number. Has this been improved in the HD-110? I plan to use the DTE with tape as backup, and need to have reel numbers for FCP, in case of the need to recapture. I was hoping the TC reset buttons would be on the body, or at least be able to assign one of the User Buttons to advance to next hour.

Header Rec - is this still separate from TC set? I like the idea, but having to set the starting TC in two separate menus is too much.

User Bits. Can this be set to record Time of Day? Can anything else be recorded, like an AlphaNumeric project number? I'm used to the Pannie HVX200 metadata, and I'd like to be able to imbed some project info into the data stream, if possible.

Is there a way to record any other information, like the shooter, the date shot, etc?

thanks for any info

Carl Hicks
October 29th, 2006, 10:13 PM
can you have the viewfinder and the lcd screen active at the same time?

Yes, it's a menu choice. Requires professional battery system.

Changing/setting TC. I use reel numbers for each tape (tape one starts at 1:00:00, tape 2 starts at 2:00:00, etc.) On the HD-100, I think it took 8 steps to go into the menus and reset the starting TC to the new reel number. Has this been improved in the HD-110? I plan to use the DTE with tape as backup, and need to have reel numbers for FCP, in case of the need to recapture. I was hoping the TC reset buttons would be on the body, or at least be able to assign one of the User Buttons to advance to next hour.

No change on this issue on the HD110. The new GY-HD200 and 250 have the ability to jump right into the TC set menu by pushing a two button combination.

Header Rec - is this still separate from TC set? I like the idea, but having to set the starting TC in two separate menus is too much.

I don't think there's any change here

User Bits. Can this be set to record Time of Day? Can anything else be recorded, like an AlphaNumeric project number? I'm used to the Pannie HVX200 metadata, and I'd like to be able to imbed some project info into the data stream, if possible.

The user bit data is hexidecimal, so you can use any numeric character, 0 thru 9, or lettters A thru F. The setting stays constant, so if you set it to time of day, it would just sit there and not change. You would want to use the time code generator for that idea. Yes, you could use the user bits to create a project or reel number.

Is there a way to record any other information, like the shooter, the date shot, etc?

Using the characters 0 thru 9 and A thru F, you could devise your own code to identify the date, shooter, shot, ect. You have 8 places to work with. So, for example, 102906AF, could mean a shooting date of 10-29-06, shot by "Adam", and it was scene "F".