View Full Version : Fs-c

Steve Rosen
October 28th, 2006, 11:02 AM
Has anyone worked with the Focus Enhancements FS-C? Supposedly this model has been specifically tailored to work with the H1... I've been waiting for a year for a viable tapeless sollution, and I hope this is the answer...

Basic questions: Does it support 24f? (I don't use 24f much, but would like to have the option for an upcoming film out short).

Is it reliable? (I will run tape backup, but need the convenience of loading clips quickly on the road).

Are the fan noise problems still apparent?

Battery life? I will normally power it from an Anton Bauer Hytron50 camera battery, but occasionally will want it self powered.

Any and all opinions will be appreciated.

Jose Manuel Mahedero
May 20th, 2020, 05:09 AM
Good morning, I have canon xl2 and can't sync the camera with the fs-c focus enhancements version, could anyone tell me what it could be?

Thank you very much for the attention received.

Jose Manuel Mahedero
May 25th, 2020, 07:29 AM
[Buenos dias,tengo foscus fs-c,sabe alguien como cambiar disco duro interno 2,5 ",manual despiece focus fs-c.

muchas gracias.