View Full Version : button placement question.....output button is where?

Marty Hudzik
October 27th, 2006, 08:46 AM
In considering the A1 as a viable option, I started looking at the images Chris posted and noticed something odd.

It appears that there are 3 toggle switches on the side of the camera.

Gain. Output. White balance.

The output button has a choice of "bars" or "cam".

Why would they place this button in the middle of 2 more frequently used buttons? I mean......I can easily see someone shooting and reaching to toggle the gain or white balance and accidentally hitting this one and recording color bars instead....or is this for output only and not recorded to tape.....?

Still it seems like an odd placement. This area is usually reserved for on the fly camera adjustments while filming. you know anthing about this? Can it be locked out in the menus?


Edit: I also noticed that there is no AE program wheel to set the Auto exposure the +/- certain stops. Is this in the menu system or is this a missing feature from the XL series?

Bill Pryor
October 27th, 2006, 09:07 AM
That's very similar to where the toggle switches are on fully professional cameras. In my opinion it's about time they put the color bars switch where it's easy to find instead of having to hunt for it. It's very common to flip on bars at the end of sequences throughout the tape. For example, you never want to eject a tape where there's good footage because that's always a potential spot for tape damage, so you record a few seconds at the tail of the last shot of a scene, and I like to flip on bars for that purpose, and it also makes it easy to find the end if you have to rewind and check a take.

Marty Hudzik
October 27th, 2006, 09:11 AM
On the XLh1 it is still easily accessible. It just isn't in the same spot as the Gain knob and the WB knob. It is a one button press to get them. However you would never reach without looking and accidentally think you are turning up the gain or tweaking the WB and accidentally turn on color bars.

I don't know.....that just seems like an odd placement to me. I agree it's better than being buried in a menu.