Burt Farber
October 25th, 2006, 10:33 PM
I'm trying to open a sequence in Soundtrack to do some mixing, which now only includes multiple tracks of dialogue. When I do "send to" Soundtrack as a multitrack project with background movie, the audio is all jumbled up, some stuff that's not in the sequence is used, and it's out of order. The background movie remains what I've edited.
How do I get the audio clips as they are in the sequence to move over to Soundtrack?
Burt Farber
November 1st, 2006, 03:21 AM
I've downloaded and watched the lynda.com tutorial with Larry Jordan, and I'm doing the exact same thing he is, but with the wrong result.
If anyone has any idea what's going on, I'd be appreciative.
I have mono channels, a total of 3 tracks, but when I export the sequence to Soundtrack Pro as a multitrack proj., it imports the audio out of order with the background movie. It even brings in audio from the source clips that aren't on the timeline, but part of the source file.
I'm pulling my hair out here to find out what Im possibly doing wrong.
Kevin Good
January 5th, 2007, 12:15 PM
Whilst searching for help on here regarding this exact same problem, I came upon Burt's unanswered post. Anyone have any ideas? Burt did you ever manage to solve the problem?
I saw something in the Apple help about how Soundtrack can't deal with re-linked clips (video that is linked to audio other than its original), which I thought was the problem. But I've unlinked all the clips, and still no dice.
My problem seems to be the exact same as Burt's: I'm transferring to Soundtrack Pro via the "File>Send To>Soundtrack Pro Multitrack Project", and although some of the audio is in place, other stuff seems randomly jumbled, and there are clips where there were none before, etc.
Stu Siegal
January 5th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Are you sending subclips? STP sees subclips as the full media, and brings in the full media, not just your sub. Very unpleasant. Try making subclips independent, then send to stp.