View Full Version : Opinions? On-camera LED lights
Shawn Kessler October 25th, 2006, 04:05 PM what do you guys think abot this on camera light?
Seth Bloombaum October 25th, 2006, 07:06 PM ummm, that's just a bulb. You need to put it in "a coolux, Anton Bauer, IDX, Frezzi, and any 12v MR-16 enclosure." plus something to power it up.
I'm not familiar with this particular bulb, but I hear broadcast guys are liking these retrofit LED bulb assemblies for their existing on-camera lights.
Not really fitting with this horror-lighting thread, because the only people using on-camera lights are those who have to run-and-gun. I guess Blair Witch Project used some on-camera light for the exteriors, along with flashlight-like fixtures.
Pete Bauer October 25th, 2006, 07:38 PM Moderator note:
This thread split from because this is a new topic. Seth's reference to horror lighting refers back to that thread.
Gary Moses January 12th, 2007, 12:16 PM I purchased the flood version and was very impressed with the color. The brightness was a little low though. I bought the focused version and wow what a difference, not only is it bright and throws a beam but you can diffuse it and it's brighter than the flood version. I now have 5 focused and 1 flood. I made a housing to mount 4 bulbs together.
Charles Papert January 12th, 2007, 01:18 PM Not really fitting with this horror-lighting thread, because the only people using on-camera lights are those who have to run-and-gun.
Not by definition--obie lights are regularly used in feature/episodic production. The difference is making the source softer and less intense than the usual blast-'em look one associates with onboard lights. Last series I did Steadicam on I had to fly a Lite Panel ( on the rig whenever we did interiors, to add a little eyelight.
Seth Bloombaum January 12th, 2007, 04:34 PM Whoops, did I really write that? Guess I was young and inexperienced in October... or maybe was down one cup-a-joe. Well, I was partly right in reference to horror work .
Charles is quite right regarding use of on-camera lights other than run and gun, such as for eye highlights and wrinkle-softening.
For those unfamiliar with the techniques, a little gleam in the eye is easily created with relatively low watts, and greatly helps the sense of dimensionality.
The story goes that Merle Oberon (glamorous film star of yesteryear) insisted on an on-camera light to soften the contours of her face, and the resulting light/technique was called the obie light. Or so I've heard.
Gary Moses January 17th, 2007, 04:25 PM I purchased the flood version and was very impressed with the color. The brightness was a little low though. I bought the focused version and wow what a difference, not only is it bright and throws a beam but you can diffuse it and it's brighter than the flood version. I now have 5 focused and 1 flood. I made a housing to mount 4 bulbs together.
Shawn, I was responding to your original question. It looks as though this thread got confused.
Bill Busby January 22nd, 2007, 06:18 AM Anyone have a good source for these MR16 LED lamps?
Carlos E. Martinez January 25th, 2007, 03:19 AM I purchased the flood version and was very impressed with the color. The brightness was a little low though. I bought the focused version and wow what a difference, not only is it bright and throws a beam but you can diffuse it and it's brighter than the flood version. I now have 5 focused and 1 flood. I made a housing to mount 4 bulbs together.
Good to know, Gary.
What fixture are you using to hold your LED lamp? What LED lamp brand did you get?
Can you describe a bit more of that housing you made or show some pictures?
How do you power them?
Gary Moses January 25th, 2007, 07:56 AM Carlos, they are the bulbs that Shawn is refering to. I originally got the flood. It worked fine but didn't have much of a throw. I bought the focused version and was very impressed, it's a 50watt equivalent. If I need soft I put diffusion over it.
As far as fixture, I have a single MR-16 fixture but I wanted more versatility. I built a 2 bulb fixture out of masonite. This weekend I'm putting 4 floods into a housing with a switching scenerio to give me more options. I bought multiple bulbs for $28 a piece.
They powered by any 12 volt source.
Carlos E. Martinez January 25th, 2007, 09:44 AM As far as fixture, I have a single MR-16 fixture but I wanted more versatility. I built a 2 bulb fixture out of masonite. This weekend I'm putting 4 floods into a housing with a switching scenerio to give me more options. I bought multiple bulbs for $28 a piece.
What I mean is what light head are you using. How do you clip it to the camera?
They powered by any 12 volt source.
Are you using 12v batteries or some booster?
The good thing on these LED lamps is they allow you using camera batteries, that you boost to 12v.
Gary Moses January 25th, 2007, 12:40 PM Carlos, I made the light head.
The bulbs work on 12 volt, no booster needed.
They only draw about .3 amps/12 volt so you can run these things all day.
Bill Busby January 25th, 2007, 12:54 PM Anyone have a good source for these MR16 LED lamps?
ahemm... never thought I'd have to quote myself :)
Carlos E. Martinez January 25th, 2007, 02:04 PM ahemm... never thought I'd have to quote myself :)
Ledtronics. Why don't you call them for your nearest dealer?
Carlos E. Martinez January 25th, 2007, 02:08 PM Carlos, I made the light head.
The bulbs work on 12 volt, no booster needed.
They only draw about .3 amps/12 volt so you can run these things all day.
That's why you can use a video battery, boosting the 7.2v voltage to 12v.
If possible I would like to avoid buying 12v batteries. They are too heavy.
Gary Moses January 25th, 2007, 03:59 PM Hey Guys I'm talking about the leds that Shawn asked about at the opening of this thread. Everything I've been talking about is just the way they come.
That's the source too.
Larry Vaughn February 12th, 2007, 01:02 PM I bought a 12 volt MR 16 fixture for a track light at Home Depot. I paid about $6.00 for it. After throwing away all the parts I didn't need, I ended up with a MR 16 light fixture with a locking knob, round glass cover for the bulb and a frame that fits into a hot shoe. It doesn't lock into the hot shot, and I had to twist it 90 degrees, however..