View Full Version : problems capturing into fcp

Phil Bloom
October 24th, 2006, 04:25 PM
Is it a good idea to use the Z1 to capture?

As I find that fcp sometimes has trouble capturing properly through it, especially on batch capture. Also sometimes when i print to tape it doesnt always work. No obvious reason, it just sometimes gets break up...

Perhaps I need a seperate deck as I don't want to damage the head but it's another expense. I never had problems capturing with straight DV on other cameras before but the z1 just doesn't seem very stable...i do need to look into getting a seperate deck at some point...does anyone other than sony make one?

Austin Walton
October 24th, 2006, 06:12 PM
double post...

Austin Walton
October 24th, 2006, 06:13 PM
Well, in my case, I can't capture HDV now, after installing the Crossgrade, and then installing 5.1.2 immediately after that.

If anyone has any ideas other than checking capture settings, junking QT receipts, trashing prefs, or re-installing; I'd appreciate their remedies.

I've tried all of those other than re-installing.

Oh, this thread will be promptly moved... : )

Theodore McNeil
October 24th, 2006, 11:53 PM
Are you capturing to a laptop? Because I could never get batch capturing (in any format) to work well on my G4 power book. Capture now was no worries at all.

If you use the camera to capture check it's settings. If you want HDV, make sure downconvert is off.

Otherwise, I'd go through the settings again. Uncheck any preference that has "Abort capture" in the phrase.

Everytime I've upgraded (FCP 3 up to FCP 5.04) the upgrade software has changed the capture settings to the defaults settings that Mr Apple thinks a computer should be set on.

If your desparate and in a hurry, just capture with iMovie and export it to a format FCP likes.

Phil Bloom
October 25th, 2006, 05:06 AM
thanks, I am using a macbook pro. The problem is just with batch capture.

With imovie is there a way of capturing to an external drive?