View Full Version : Rendered Video Different To Preview?

Aviv Hallale
October 23rd, 2006, 04:58 AM
I've just finished editing a fifteen minute short movie with PPro 2. I used a Magic Bullet LookSuite filter on each shot (Coolish) which appeared fine in my premiere program window on my primary monitor and in full screen on my secondary monitor. However, now that I've rendered it out, playing back the video in Windows Media Player and Winamp shows me that the filter causes the shots too be much too dark, in fact, all the shots appear darker than they did in the Premiere program window, the movie is still watchable on my secondary monitor but I want it to look good on both before I burn it to DVD...This is quite troublesome. Does anyone know the cause of the problem, or how to fix it?

Mike Teutsch
October 23rd, 2006, 06:32 AM
Basicly it sounds like all of your screens or monitors are calibrated differently, and I think that Magic Bullet will make the dark areas darker, but not sure.

Good test----Burn the DVD and try it on the tv you would normall watch it.


Aviv Hallale
October 23rd, 2006, 03:11 PM
Is it possible to calibrate these monitors perfectly?

Mike Teutsch
October 23rd, 2006, 05:53 PM
Is it possible to calibrate these monitors perfectly?

It would certainly depend on the monitor, but I would get one that you know can be made to display everything right and then judge everything by it.

I did a short for a friend, writer, and two kids trying to get onto Nickelodian. Just happened to watch it on my second monitor a few days later and thought, crap it looks terrible! But found out it was the second monitor. Readjusted it and all was OK.

The kids will probably end up on TV, as they are great, I wish I were!

I do have a real monitor, but usually keep it locked up. I may change that now.

Good Luck--Mike

Aviv Hallale
October 24th, 2006, 01:17 PM
It would certainly depend on the monitor, but I would get one that you know can be made to display everything right and then judge everything by it.

I did a short for a friend, writer, and two kids trying to get onto Nickelodian. Just happened to watch it on my second monitor a few days later and thought, crap it looks terrible! But found out it was the second monitor. Readjusted it and all was OK.

The kids will probably end up on TV, as they are great, I wish I were!

I do have a real monitor, but usually keep it locked up. I may change that now.

Good Luck--Mike

Is there a reason that in Premiere, it looks fine, but running the rendered video in WMP, it's too dark?