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Kenn Jolemore
February 12th, 2003, 09:06 AM
I was just looking at I believe is the name of the site and watched a 12 min. short called "The last of the Cowboys"(If I remember correctly) with B.B.Thornton and was supprised by the amount of name recognisable actors who are useing this type outlet and how good this short was..
What other sites have you all checked out that are worth recomending and what shorts in particular did you enjoy at these sites?

Christopher Hughes
February 14th, 2003, 05:49 PM
Any Palm or PDA users amongs us know of any good camera sites, or one with latest news in camera\camcorder techno that work under Avantgo? Sp you can hotsync all the lastest news in media world direct onto palm as u can with avantgo???

Michael Wisniewski
February 14th, 2003, 07:57 PM
Just saw a really neat trick on the Lord of the Rings Ext DVD set -

They put Peter Jackson (the Director/Writer) in a pair of VR eyeglasses so that he could go "on location"to any computer generated locations or characters in Middle Earth.

The neat part was that they gave him a wooden camera with sensors that he used to "film" the computer generated world as he walked around - quite interesting to see him "filming" while walking around a grid

Most of the shots of the computer generated Stone Troll in Balin's Tomb/Moria were all "hand-held" using the VR camera

Imran Zaidi
February 15th, 2003, 01:53 PM
I just saw the film, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. It has one of the most unique looks I've seen in recent history. It seems almost like it has the texture of film, but the feel of Digital, if that makes any sense.

I'm sure it's probably just film and then digitized and wacked up in post, but does anyone have any info on how they did this film? Could it be HD?

Rob Lohman
February 16th, 2003, 01:12 PM
Can you point me to the exact location where this is at on the 4
disc extended DVD set? I've seen to have missed that piece!


Richard Alvarez
February 18th, 2003, 01:26 PM
Anyone see the story today about the long-lost Marilyn Monroe home movie? A fourteen year old kid followed her around Manhattan back in '55, shooting her with his regualar 8 camera.
The film was "lost" untill recently, and the images are superb.

I was reminded again of the quality of small guage film, as I transfered some regualr eight footage this last week of old home movies from the 50's and early sixties. The kodachrome looks GREAT after more than 40 years, which is more than I can say about old vhs tapes I shot of my son in '84!

It's always good to remember in this digital world, that "small guage" filmmaking should not be left behind, especially since the moder NLE's make sound sync, foley and music so easy.

It's a good way to get that "film look" that people are always looking for.


Michael Wisniewski
February 19th, 2003, 05:09 PM
Rats, I returned it to Blockbuster - but I know it's on the 2nd Appendices disk. There's a video there called "Cameras" or something like that.

Chris Hurd
February 25th, 2003, 03:05 PM
Very interesting overview of CD-R media quality ( Enjoy.

Dan Holly
February 26th, 2003, 01:04 PM
I picked up the new game Apex yesterday and was playing it last night after I pried the controller from my oldest boys hand.
(Since he recently turned 18 and is a senior in high school it's kind of hard to tell him "OK time for bed" =)

In the game you have a shop to build prototype cars. In the shop there are shelves where you edit your game settings/save/load/etc.

On the top shelf there is a Canon XL1s sitting there as part of your gear !

They (infrogames) did a really good job of detailing the camera.
I was actually surprised at the details. It's a stock XL1s with the stock 16X lens.

I just wanted to pass it on to the group for the sake of nostalgia.

Here is a link to the game for those of you that have an Xbox and like racing sim type games.

Robert Knecht Schmidt
February 28th, 2003, 08:21 PM
What sort of camera do you suppose the final videotape recovered from the Columbia orbiter ( was shot on?

I remember that a few years back NASA selected the XL1 to serve as the official mission camera, but the way the camera moves it looks to be a smaller handheld MiniDV cam, perhaps Laurel Clark's personal camera?

The only thing I can find about it is that "The video was shot with a small onboard camera"... I'm just wondering if it was a consumer device or something custom built for the shuttle.

Why was this, the final tape to be shot, the only one to survive? Was it because it was still in the recording deck?

Rhett Allen
March 1st, 2003, 12:21 AM
I don't know but the Astronauts were using a Sony DSR PDX-10 durring the flight. I couldn't imagine them carrying something as big and clumsy as an XL1 on a space flight, maybe on the ground in mission control but small and simple is the tool for space flight.
The recorder in question was a built in wall unit and I doubt there was any reason other than pure chance that it survived the entry, just luck, but I would bet that like the black boxes used in airplanes, the video recorders are built a little sturdier than your average consumer deck and probabaly not something any of us could buy even if we wanted to.

Bob Zimmerman
March 3rd, 2003, 03:48 AM
What I was thinking about was, they found this tape a few days later in east Texas and the last 11 minutes was gone. Or was it? The tape they showed on TV looks real good, but they said the last part was burned up! I think the whole tape was found in good shape. But they just don't want to show the last few minutes of the tape and probably they shouldn't.

Derrick Begin
March 3rd, 2003, 12:37 PM
There is a three day "hands-on" workshop using this camera.

750 bucks to Denver, CO plus R&B/Plane Ticket is a significant amount of change. I was wondering if anybody here has gotten their hands on that camera?




Ken Tanaka
March 3rd, 2003, 01:36 PM
If you're interested in the CineAlta platform and don't want to travel you might check with local rental houses to see if they hold training classes. (In NY there must be several.) I know that Fletch (, here in Chicago, rents this gear and periodically holds classes to promote the platforrm.

Joe Carney
March 4th, 2003, 06:13 PM
Did anyone from the dvinfo community besides me make it to Megacon last weekend?

Talk about culture clash....
We have Megacon with geeks and freaks and outsiders, many dressed up in strange costumes (Anime, Star Wars,Fantasy...).
At the same time was the National Cheerleader finals all mixed in, in the same general area. The Cheerleaders (from tiny tots to teen agers) were all nervous, but their moms were absolutely paranoid, hehehe. Watching them freak out as someone dressed up as a murdering psycho carrying fake handguns strolled into their mists was hilarious. Or the women dressed up in a skimpy skimpy outfit with a slave chained behind her, and her beating him every five minutes. good family fun!

Top it off with a meeting of East coast ISP and apparantly several hundred people in business suits, and it was quite the weekend.

Things noted.
Two anime groups, called Anime Sushi and JACO, were both showing movies all weekend. They had converted movies to divx or downloaded directly off of the web and were using those cool little shuttle PCs hooked up to a projector and AV receiver. No DVD, no tape. All digital.
And I got Erin Grays' autograph. Finally.

Mike Rehmus
March 10th, 2003, 08:26 PM
I have $5,000 to spend on a video projector (that has to include a spare bulb).

The intent is to optimize the projection capabilities for video even at the expense of the computer projection capabilities. I intend to drive the input with S-Video (unless I can find a firewire input projector)

The venue is a room of about 60 by 100 feet with a raised stage on one end. The projection screen is a glass bead of about 12' diagonal measurement. The room lights are not bright but have to be off when the current projector is used. Projection distance is flexible but is at least 20 feet and can be as much as 50 feet.

All of the usual features need to be present . . . keystone correction, preferably in 2 axis, Black screen when the input is idle, suppression of any menu items once it is up and running, reasonably quiet fan, low light

Weight is not a major issue although I have to be able to schlep it into a venue.

Right now I'm thinking around 3,000 lumens or so. I like the Sony VPL-PX40 LCD but wish it had a DLP panel. It can be had for just under $5,000 and Sony is offering a free spare lamp.

Any input would be very welcome.


Mike Rehmus

Chris Hurd
March 10th, 2003, 09:00 PM
Hi Mike, you might want to look into the Canon LV-7355 at -- it's an LCD projector though. There's a handy comparison matrix at that link. Hope this helps,

Alex Taylor
March 13th, 2003, 11:42 PM

I know, I know, it's realplayer.. but it's worth it :)

Here's the gist of it: Tony Blair is about to give a speech and is assured that all he will have to do is read it off of the autocue. Not so easy!

K. Forman
March 14th, 2003, 07:09 AM
I just watched this movie last night, and noticed something I had never seen before. During the end credits, where they usually show outtakes of the actors screwing up and goofing, they had nothing but crew credits and video clips.

Instead of the actors getting even more spotlight, they honored the people behind the scenes. Very cool.

Dylan Couper
March 14th, 2003, 12:57 PM
I agree. It's one of the coolest things I've seen for credits. From this point on, I will be doing credits in all of my movies in this fashion. I think it's very fair.

I thought the movie sucked though. :)

Keith Loh
March 14th, 2003, 04:08 PM
I know some of you are in Vancouver. I have just the occasion to get together if you're interested in seeing some great cinematography. That's when my roomate and I show the really beautiful DVD "Hero" this Sunday March 16, a film by Zhang Yimou and photographed by Christopher Doyle. Details here:

Hero is up for a best foreign Oscar. I've previewed it and it really is a stunningly lensed picture. The link contains a trailer I cooked together.

Dylan Couper
March 14th, 2003, 08:13 PM
Wish I could make it. I've got an old buddy of mine from Ontario in town for the next week. Might turn into an old-school drinking binge.

Michael Wisniewski
March 15th, 2003, 09:52 PM
Best Bruce Willis movie ever - and yet it's not really a bruce willis movie ... sort of ...

Anyway I thought it was a very good movie, worth watching in a theatre. There's a few "what the f#$@, why did they do that?" moments in the plot, but it's fairly believable through the whole movie. And of course no one can play the tough talking/sensitive officer in charge - better than Tom Skerritt.

One of the reviewers got a good read on it, they called it a cross between Apocalypse Now and Top Gun. Or to put it another way it's a "serious" Top Gunnesque movie

If Tears of the Sun and Chicago are any indication of the movies coming out, I'm absolutely ecstatic about going to the movies this year.

Love to hear what you think.

March 17th, 2003, 12:47 AM
Does anyone know how Ted Demme got the look of Blow, specifically the scenes that take place in the 1970's. It looks like it might be a little desaturated..but there's something more I think. Thanks!

Rob Lohman
March 17th, 2003, 05:26 PM
The best advise I can give you here is to try and get hold on
the DVD with behind the scenes on it (rent it?). I've seen it and
they do explain how it was made. If I remember correctly (and
this I'm really not sure on) it was through a chemical effect or
the lack thereof. I think it was the latter. They didn't develop
the movie fully or something to get the mexico scenes....

Derrick Begin
March 24th, 2003, 10:52 AM
I am looking for information regarding IFP.

I plan on joining the organization to network and develop my business.

What have your experiences been regarding IFP?

Has it helped?

What do you deem as advantages to joining IFP?

Disadvantages? Besides the 100 bucks or so...

Thanks in advance!



Mark Argerake
March 25th, 2003, 08:25 AM
it's only $85 bucks to join ifp/la

networking, equiptment and room rentals cheap, networking, director/producer series - did i mention networking? free movies!

check out the website

biggest disadvantage for me at least is the resourse library isn't open on the weekends and I can't get there durning the week before it closes.

they have free member orientation meetings, check it out and decide for yourself

Derrick Begin
March 25th, 2003, 09:23 AM

Thanks for the response...

I am going forward and join here in New York, with the intent to join IFP-West in the near future.

Have you found work via this route?

I'm fixing my budget so that early next month I can join. Its just nice to know if, "Yeah, I joined IFP, and met some great people, and they saw my work, and I found employment!"



Derrick Begin
March 27th, 2003, 09:52 AM
MEDIOCRITY - - The script of the film needed some work. Its seemed very redundant, seeing the same similar images over and over again. Good versus Evil. This film is a cliche after a cliche etc. Nothing new hear folks.

The jungle scenes at night were very hard to watch. Because I was struggling to make out any semblance of detail in the blacks and shadows. I hope that was a choice of the filmmaker/cinematographer. The editing was probably what salvaged this film.

The characters were skipped along the top of the water and for the most part a hollow shell. The featured under-fives and extras were good, but then they were shot.

I think Bruce Willis was better in the original, "Die Hard" and "Pulp Fiction."

My 10.00 bucks could have been spent on something better than this mechanized film.



Jami Jokinen
April 1st, 2003, 12:35 AM
I know there are some pro audio people in this forum, so here goes:

Is it possible to have 5.1 sound in an audio disc (played on a set-top DVD player) ?

Does it have to be a DVD or can it be used on a CD?

The subwoofer channel works just like the other channels, right? The output frequencies will not be cut by the decoder, right?

(If this sound stupid, it's because I'm planning a 6-speaker setup in an exhibition. I don't need the classic 5.1 setup, but what I do need is 6 similar channels I can pan the sound with).


Rob Lohman
April 3rd, 2003, 06:42 AM
I know for sure that it is possible with dts audio. A quick search
on google confirmed that at least someone claims it can also
be done with Dolby Digital (AC3) on a standard audio CD. Click
here ( for a page with instructions.

If this doesn't work out there are probably a lot more tutorials
on the web if you do some searching with google or google groups.

Good luck!

Bill Ravens
April 3rd, 2003, 07:54 AM
AC3 is the defacto standard for 5.1 surround sound on DVD. DTS is a lesser known format. The woofer channel, AKA LFE, is really not like the other channels. In this case there is some frequency filtering not applied to the other channels. If you're interested in producing ac3 on DVD, check out the Sonic Foundry website for info on Vegas 4 and DVD Architect. This combination of software will allow you to produce 5.1 AC3 surround sound on DVD.

Al Holston
April 6th, 2003, 10:21 PM
Your first "hint" that a camera deal is "too good to be ture" is the fact that it is going too cheep. The second is the claim for an "international warranty" Cameras imported by distributors in the U.S. only have a U.S. Warranty, the only camera I know of that was sold with a real international passport was the 1960 Contax SLR made in West Germany. Since the late 60's when "gray market" equipment started to become a problem, all imported/exported equipment with searl no's are carefully controlled and only legit importer/distributors (i.e. Cannon of U.S.) will offer U.S. warranty. Becareful of this type of scam and other grey market deals, that are illegally imported, they have NO warranty and if its a scam, you get NO product. Kind of like the money broker, that wants you to deposit money for him (money laundering scam also illegal in U.S.) in return of a percentage -- you pay transfer fees upfront!!!

On real legal international transactions, always use a legit internationall bank like Citibank, that's how I handle purchases from overseas; the bank holds the funds pending arrival and inspection of the equipment. The bank provides a "letter of cerdit" to the seller, and releases the funds when notified. NEVER use money wire transfers to unkown banks or individuals, anyone asking for this type of payment is risky!!!! Know who you are doing business with first, and you won't get burned -- Hey buddy, wanna buy a watch? As the seller opens his jacket showing a dozen watches inside -- this is the same kind of deal If its TOO good to be ture, chances are it is. Al Holston

Frank Granovski
April 14th, 2003, 03:39 PM
This is how the regulars handle scam-spam'ers at (Funny.)

Jed Williamson
April 15th, 2003, 07:41 PM
HI, Here is my dilemma:

I bought a used laptop. The person I bought it from wiped the hard drive for security reasons and because I told her that I had the windows 95 installer CD.

My problem is the laptop won't recognize the external cd-rom (may be defective) but the external floppy does work.

Would anyone here still have the floppy disks to install windows 95? If you did would you be willing to make a folder on a cd-r with each disk in a seperate folder, and have me send them a sase envelope? Or send it electronically?

Otherwise does anyone have any suggestions for how to copy my files on my win95 installer cd to floppy disks or to the laptop.

Thank you,


Dan Holly
April 16th, 2003, 12:15 AM

Shawn McBee
April 22nd, 2003, 03:08 AM
I was thinking about websites and how important they are to the marketing and distribution of our projects. So I thought, why not have a forum for critiqing sites -- helping each other in the areas of how best to make web sites that suit the product/sevice being offered, maybe tips on search engine placement, where to get good hossting deals, etc. I've seen many people bring up subjects like these all over the board, might as well have a place just for them.

What do you think, Chris? Everyone?


Sam Looc
April 23rd, 2003, 08:53 PM
Do anyone know whats the song name they used for the Mc Donald commercial where they had the Mc Double guy ("How you doing, how you doing") fall inlove with a girl? Do anyone remember? I just want to use that song for something I'm shooting.

Frank Granovski
April 25th, 2003, 04:07 AM
Here's something media related. I just logged on for a quick look (3:04 am), and----SHAKE! A little earthquake. I hope we don't have more tonight.

James Emory
April 26th, 2003, 02:27 AM
The shot in this trailer moves from the interior of the set to the exterior seemingly in one take but if you look closely it is either a morph or a quick cut each time it transitions. It's a cool shot though.

Bad Boys II

Dylan Couper
April 26th, 2003, 09:44 AM
I'll go see it because Henry Rollins is in it.

Mark Argerake
April 26th, 2003, 02:17 PM

I don't want this to be a film vs. video thread. I'm curious so I'm going, and was wondering if anyone else is.

K. Forman
April 26th, 2003, 06:11 PM
If I could afford it, and it was close by, I would most definately go. I love learning different aspects in creating video and art.

Joe Carney
April 28th, 2003, 01:50 PM
I guess with all the focus on trying to make video look like film, there are times when shot on Video can be awesome.

I've had the Santana Supernatural concert DVD for awhile now and it looks like it was shot with HD cameras (I don't know for sure). The level of detail, the color, the excellent sound. I actually like it better than the Eagles Hell Freezes Over DVD. If you are a Santana fan, or just want to see how good live concert/shot on video footage can be, buy or rent it. If you have a good home theater setup with 5.1 and DTS support, definitely choose the DTS audio option in setup. Also includes 4 music videos.

The audio/video engineering on this DVD is great. The camera shots, the DTS option... all make for very compelling live concert footage. In this case, the 'film look' would have made it a lesser production. In addition to music from the CD he closes with oustanding versions of several of his classics.

Any comments?

Ivan Hedley Enger
April 30th, 2003, 12:37 AM
Hi Joe,
In my opinion there are a lot of times when shot on Video can be awesome. Maybe I am a little bit weird, but I have never understood why it is so important to make video look like film.

I think video filmed on a good camcorder makes great pictures. "But, it looks like video", someone says. Yes,.....and....? So what?! I personally like that look.

I agree with you, Joe. Enjoy the digital video and sound. When it gives you such a great quality, I guess you doesn´t miss the filmlook at all?


Joe Carney
May 1st, 2003, 06:14 PM
Ivan, in this case, it was a better production because it kept the live shot on video look. The DVD is live concert footage, plus music videos and interviews in the extras. IMHO very well done. But I think you need a good HD camera to get that look (lots of detail, excellent colors....). DV25 cuuldn't make something look that good.

Another good one to check out is The Eagles' "Hell Freezes Over". another live concert, with excellent audio and well shot video. Includes a bonus track if your system supports DTS.

One to avoid is one made by/for Sting a year or so ago. Truly awful. And I've heard nothing but bad things about Kylie Monogues pre world tour DVD. There are also DVD which are simply collections of Music Video (eminem has a couple out).

The best ones seem to go beyond just your standard live concert footage and take advantage of multiiple camera angles (lots of boom/crane shots). The Santana one even shot from behind everyone.
Made for a video that was both intimate and energetic. The audio is good enough you could turn off your TV and just listen.

One other great thing. No lipsynching, no voice compression or enhancement. None.
The singers who sang the 2 top hits from the CD didn't sound near as good as the Studio engineers made them out to be, Yet because it was real, I end up liking these live vesions better the the CD versions.

Matt Betea
May 4th, 2003, 01:37 PM
Looks like the record industry is going to an all time new low:
nytimes (
wired (,2100,47552,00.html)
I like how they're always trying to spin it off on internet downloading. Don't mention that in the past 3-4 years at least, all we've been fed is some regurgitated BS that the industry wants to call music. Also that other than Best Buy, you're going to be paying $16+ for a cd, please.

Oh, almost forgot, the other industry crying about companies wanting to help consumers zdnet (
If they really cared, why wouldn't they, themselves implement something to allow someone to make 1 backup copy. And if they're so worried why not force everyone to view their movies only in theaters or encrypted PPV.

Greg Filipkowski
May 7th, 2003, 10:27 PM
See this trailer!!! how did they do 360 shots? there is one?

Rob Lohman
May 8th, 2003, 05:47 AM
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. But it looks like it was
shot from another motorcycle or something...

Greg Filipkowski
May 8th, 2003, 07:22 AM
There is a 360 degree shot in there going all around up and down, some kind a fly cam?