View Full Version : .: Simulating lightning :.

Michael Claerbout
October 22nd, 2006, 08:26 AM
Hi guys,

I'm currently working on a new project were i would need to simulate lightning threw a bedroom window. I've looked around and did not find much information on how to do this, what kind of lighting i would need, and how to handle it. Thats why im asking you guys. Does any off you ever did this effect, and if so do you know the tricks and gear to perfom it ?

Thanks in a million!


Dan Keaton
October 22nd, 2006, 08:49 AM
Flashbulbs, wired to a battery or doorbell transformer can make a flash that resembles lightning. It is important to choose the right size flashbulb, otherwise the effect is overpowering.

Flashbulbs are harder to find now, but they are still available.

Michael Claerbout
October 22nd, 2006, 09:01 AM
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the info.
But this option does seem to be expensive and dangerous for a filmstudent.
Are there no other options ?



Oh and i forgot to tell you, that im looking for a multi effect, more then one flash. To simulate real lightning, multible flashes with different timing and strengh.
Sorry if that wasn't clear

Jaron Berman
October 22nd, 2006, 09:26 AM

Rent it for the scenes you need, and shoot in an order that allows you to finish all those scenes in a day. There's really nothing else out there capable of what these can do.

Michael Claerbout
October 22nd, 2006, 01:14 PM
Thanks for the info.
But unfortunatly i'm from Belgium so that option seems impossible.
Its hard to see that there's not a DIY way.

But thanks!



Nate Weaver
October 22nd, 2006, 01:40 PM
Michael, there's another lighting fixture that's easier to find than Lightning Strikes, and cheaper to rent also.

You'd be looking for a strobe unit called the AF1000, made by a company called Lightwave Research. They make stage/theatrical lighting, and to find them for rent you'd be going to a place that rents lights for large rock shows or theatres.

The lights are daisychained by way of audio XLR cables for control, with a controller specifically for these fixtures made by the same company. They are generally just used as stage strobes, but the controller has a few programs to simulate lighting.

Michael Claerbout
October 22nd, 2006, 01:56 PM
Hi Nate,

thats seems like a very good idea,
i'm going to search for it. I think i allready know a place
to get it.

thanks again!



Cody Lucido
October 22nd, 2006, 03:01 PM
I did a down and dirty lightning sim for cheap.

I bought 4 strobe lights from Spencers gifts that were only $9.99

Then I placed them in various locations and positions and hooked each one up to an extension cord with a flip switch. I then had two people switch the power on and off randomly. With some practice, it created an encompassing light that seemed more natural.