Ian Stark
October 22nd, 2006, 04:03 AM
Yesterday all was well. I left a render going overnight. Arrived this morning and the job was done.
BUT . . . my horizontal and vertical scrollbars have now disappeared!
This is only occuring in the timeline area - the horizontal scrollbars are still there in the media bin, the plug-in chooser, etc etc. Likewise in other apps I have tested this morning, all is fine.
The vertical scrollbar is just grey (ie no slider). The horizontal scrollbar is just black (also no slider). I am able to scroll though, by clicking and dragging in the area-formerly-known-as-scrollbar but the degree of control is dreadful.
I have re-booted. No joy. I have re-installed 7.0b. Also no joy.
Any thoughts?
Ian . . .
Jarrod Whaley
October 22nd, 2006, 04:19 AM
Are you sure you're not just zoomed out on the timeline?
Ian Stark
October 22nd, 2006, 04:23 AM
Hi Jarrod,
Nice thought but sadly no. I can resize the timeline in both directions easily enough and in my attempts to sort this problem out I've gone in REAL close and gone out REAL far!
Ian . . .
Ian Stark
October 22nd, 2006, 04:31 AM
Hi Jarrod,
Nice thought but sadly no. I can resize the timeline in both directions easily enough and in my attempts to sort this problem out I've gone in REAL close and gone out REAL far!
Ian . . .
Jarrod Whaley
October 22nd, 2006, 04:40 AM
OK, I'm baffled. Sorry. :)
Edward Troxel
October 22nd, 2006, 12:52 PM
Change your Windows "Theme" back to the default and all should be fine. OR you might try turning off "Themes" in the preferences.
Ian Stark
October 22nd, 2006, 02:58 PM
Thanks Edward, I'll give that a whirl tomorrow (my laptop is on its way to a shooting location for 5am tomorrow!).
Hopefully that will solve the problem, although I have never changed Windows Themes and have not touched that setting in Vegas either. I'll report back.
Thanks again.
Ian . . .
Ian Stark
October 24th, 2006, 03:20 AM
Update: I followed Edward's suggestion (kind of) and selected a different Windows Theme, then re-selected the default theme. That did the trick.
I'd still emphasize the point that I hadn't modified the theme in the first place so not sure why the problem should have cropped up. Actually, I'll backtrack a little there, I use a jpg image as background wallpaper - and have used the same image for months! Surely that wouldn't have caused the problem out of the blue like that? Seems kinda flaky to me!
Does this mean that any users who choose to use modified themes MUST switch off 'use themes' in Vegas or they'll suffer the same problem?
Thanks again for your help, Edward. Appreciated as always.
Don Bloom
October 24th, 2006, 05:49 AM
I hate to say it but computers do the strangest things sometimes. Over the years I've had a lot of goofy things happen for no real reason and spend some valued time trying to fix it. One of my sons who was a computer team leader for a fortune 100 and keeps my machines running has always told the saying they used in the company he worked for and that is "stuff happens" ;-)