View Full Version : Emergency FCP Output Question

Barry Gribble
October 21st, 2006, 04:56 PM

I have to output a n FCP project to Quicktime within one hour, and my editor is gone. Ick... I don't know this software.

I was trying to resolve a pixel ration problem when I came upon something worse:

Every cut in the edit shows up in the quicktime as maybe 4 black frames... like eyes blinking on every cut... I have to fix that.

Here are my output settings:

720 x 480 (NTSC DV 3:2)
aspect ratio : ntsc - CCIR 601 / DV (720 x 480)
field dominance : lower (even)
editing timebase (29.97
timecode rate: same as editing timebase

Video settings:
Compressor: DV/DVCPRO - NTSC
Quality 100%

The footage is off a SDX-900 in DVCPro 50 and 16x9.

So I have the picture a little squeezed horizontally, and the blinking edits...

Any suggestions would be much appreciated..

Thanks in advance.

Cody Lucido
October 21st, 2006, 05:04 PM
I will do my best with the information you posted.

"Every cut in the edit shows up in the quicktime as maybe 4 black frames.."

This sounds like there might be space between the clips on the timeline. Just turn SNAP on and slide the clips together, you can also 'right click' on the space between the clips and 'close gap'

"So I have the picture a little squeezed horizontally..."

If you put your 16:9 sequence into a 4:3 sequence it will automatically letterbox it for you - it basicly adds a distort of -25 for you.

Let me know if you still need assistance.

Barry Gribble
October 21st, 2006, 05:16 PM

No, the black cuts are not in the project, and when I re-import the quicktime they are not in the MOV either, they are just displaying that way in playback... hmmmmm

I think I got the aspect ratio working, tx.