View Full Version : Error Codes for FX1 / Z1

Michael Dunn
October 21st, 2006, 11:32 AM
I have been getting this error code


When I turn the camera on and attempt to put a pre-recorded tape into it.

The tapes have the safety tab opened to prevent recording. When I attempt to rewind the tape I get the code.

If I open the camera to remove the tape the mechanism raises very slowly and then opens the tape door slowly as well.

The only other factor I can add is that the camera sits in the studio which I keep around 55 -56 degrees when not in use.

If I do several tapes sometimes it clears. If I play another tape and then try the one that caused the error message it usually works fine. Could the cold effect the camera?

The camera probably has less than 50 hours of recording time on it and maybe 100 hours of playback time.

Is there a list of error codes that I can view on the Internet?

Any help would be appreciated.

Douglas Spotted Eagle
October 21st, 2006, 11:46 AM
The below linked thread covers this extensively:

Michael Dunn
October 21st, 2006, 11:58 AM
So noted.


Nick Hope
October 5th, 2007, 08:24 PM
I recently got exactly the same error message and symptoms as Michael on 3 tapes out of a bunch of around 20 I shot on a trip. They're regular Sony mini-DV tapes (red packaging).

I'm pretty sure these were the 3 tapes that I allowed to record right until the very end. After I ejected them, they would then not be accepted by the camera again (C:31:22). Pretty stressful as the footage on them is very important to me.

When I got back from the trip, one of the 3 tapes started to work by itself. Another I got to work by rewinding it in a VX2000 then re-inserting it in the Z1. The third one I got to work by removing the tape and battery and giving the camera a couple of light thumps.

In future if I run a tape right until the very end I will rewind it a bit before ejecting it.

It might be worth merging this and that other thread as there's nothing specific on there about solving this particular error message.

Carlos Manuel
November 21st, 2007, 12:37 PM
The last 2 times I've worked with my Z1, on power on I get the E:61:00 error code.

It does NOT focus properly.
I've done a power off, wait a couple of minutes and power on again.
On the 2nd or 3rd tentative the Z1 works fine ok.

I keep the camera always on an aluminium carrying case with lots of SilicaGel bags inside.

I've find this explanation for the error code:
E:61:00__Difficult to adjust focus__Inspect the lens block focus reset sensor

Can I inspect it ?
Where is this reset sensor ?

At this moment, it's not a good idea to put the camera on Sony for repair: ($$$$ problem)

Anyway, it works fine after 2/3 minutes.

What's your advice?
-Use the carrying case JUST for the voyage and keep the camera on open air everyday
-wait 5 minutes for humidity adjust (condensation is C:21:00)

My camera not focusing gives me heart problems!
My heart is fragile!

Help me, before I die...


Bob Hart
November 21st, 2007, 05:15 PM

Sorry about your heart problem but the E:61:00 may be something the repair shop must fix.

Do you store your camera in aluminium box on steel re-inforced concrete floor near an external wall? Near external wall or bathroom wall may be a damp place. Silicagel does not draw away damp forever. Eventually the silicagel must be dried to be used again.

There may be magnesium alloy parts in the camera. If so, there may be something galvanic happening between the magnesium and other metals in the building. This happens with some film cameras. I don't think this will be cause of your problem so do not take too much notice of my comment.

In meantime try this.

Store your aluminium camera box in centre of house away from exterior walls or bathroom walls.

Store the camera in different rest positions, ( on side or upside-down or on end to see if this helps. )

Carlos Manuel
November 22nd, 2007, 12:58 PM
I will keek the camera outside the aluminium case for a while.
I'l cover it with some tisue to avoid dust.

I remenber an old advice to keep the photo cameras on "open air" and not inside bags. They need to "breath"...
The carrying case is precisely for that. For carrying it from one place to the other place. >Not for storing the cameras.

The same should apply to the video cameras.

I'm also start going to power on the camera everyday for 1 hour or so.

I usually use the Z1 around 1 day every two weeks, and seems that it "must" work more often.

Does anyone know if it's possible to reset the focus without opening the camera?

-Can we enter the maintenance menus?


Frank Kiss
November 22nd, 2007, 10:33 PM
I get this e61:10 error, and if I turn the z1u off and on it works.
If I face the z1u up and turn it on it makes noise, and if I zoom it will error e6110. If it is level it works ok.
Anyone had this problem?

Carlos Manuel
November 23rd, 2007, 11:10 AM

The Z1 error codes are here:

I'm having a similar problem with the E:61:00.
After a couple of Power OFF / ON the camera works ok.

Bob Hart has given me a great help on another Thread (

I'm nervous about the cost to fix it.


Frank Kiss
November 23rd, 2007, 07:53 PM

Here is a link for repair.

They told me $200.00 to $800.00 to fix the problem.
bad conection or rebuild ?

Paulo Figueiredo
February 18th, 2008, 07:48 AM
The below linked thread covers this extensively:

Allow me to disagree. It's a great resource that was new to me...but not so much extensive. helped me a lot:

I am bothered by this particular error (C:31:22) for a long time now with my FX1 and searched through all forum posts around the net. The general advice is to knock the camera hard or blow the tape mechanism or a mix of both. I tried and found both solutions useless (and dangerous). I thought it could be moisture or dust because I do a lot of outdoor corporate team-building recordings (rafting, 4x4 raids, etc..) but apparently it isnt.

As there are no online support resources for the FX1 I started searching for Z1 equivalents:
As shown in the error codes table all C:31:xx errors are tape path related (and I got all of those on different ocasions).
One thing I noticed is that that error only happens when tape is ending. So putting 1+1 together it must be some mechanical problem. (the solution I found was to rewind the tape with my old trv50 and capture the whole tape non-stop but still I had always frame drops/lost timecode in the end of the tape).
Think I got confirmation on this from a sony support faq:
Unit has a problem with torque on the tape path reels. Require adjustments to the tape path. If this is not the cure, consider replacing the VC-367 Board. This board contains BGA ICs and therefore replace the complete board. The NVM data will have to be transferred over to the new board."

Well...dont know what a VC-367 board is but it sounds like an expensive repair.

Going to send it in for repair when I get a no-job period (or a new Z7 :) and keep you updated about the repair cost.

So. Does anyone think this might be it?

Nick Hope
February 18th, 2008, 11:48 AM
Paulo, I had C:31:22 errors on my Z1P for a while and then my camera died completely.

Sony Thailand replaced the tape carriage, which presumably took care of the C:31:22 error, and PCB DA-033 which presumably took care of the camera being dead.

Here's the breakdown on their invoice:

MCB. DA-033 (F1D) [the PCB] 2,850 baht
MD (Z300) SUB ASSY (Y) [the tape carriage] 1,835 baht

labour 2000 baht

all ex 7% VAT

It's fixed (touch wood) so it seems that C:31:22 in my case came from a mechanical error with the tape carriage.

1000 baht is $US 38 at the moment so the cost of my repairs was not that bad really.