View Full Version : Fcp Capture Lag!!

Hayk Paul
October 18th, 2006, 10:37 PM
Hey guys, so I'm editing something I shot with the Sony HC1 HDV1080i, using FCP, when I open the capture window, the audio lags on the image, whereas on the camera its fine, so i'll hear it then 'see' her lips say it a second after on the capture window, however after I do capture and put it in my timeline and play it then its fine, no problems audio and video are aligned, but as you can imagine this is intolarable when capturing causing me a lot of headaches. Any ideas as to what it might be?

Boyd Ostroff
October 19th, 2006, 12:57 PM
If I understand what you're saying, then this is a pretty common problem because there's a delay between what when the camera reads the tape and when the computer processes the data and sends the audio to the speakers.

I don't have a machine with FCP here at the moment, but look in the A/V settings dialog. You can choose how you want the audio handled (firewire vs the computer's built-in audio). See if changing this helps. If not, then listen to the audio using your camera and turn off your computer speakers.