Marco Leavitt
October 18th, 2006, 08:25 AM
Anybody seen? Just watched it last night, and good gravy, it managed to really freak me out even though it's not particularly graphic. It's a surprisingly good '70s exploition flick with a whopper of an ending. What really makes it is a young mute boy (the director's son!) who is either a great actor or was borderline abused to make this film. There's a scene where his psychotic mother drags him off of the top of a bunkbead so she can beat him that's a little too real. It's uncomfortable to watch — he really looks terrified. There are lots of scenes like that involving all of the actors where you can see the line between filmmaking and reality blur, probably because of the low budget. Anyway, check it out. The plot, script, and acting are surprisingly good in spots, and there's enough camp in between to keep it entertaining. Oh, there's an awesome bonus interview on the DVD I got from Netflix in which the woman who plays the kidnapped girl actually insults me for renting this trash (guess she didn't like the experience).