Heath McKnight
October 17th, 2006, 01:49 PM
View Full Version : Apple to support Blu-Ray and HD DVD? Heath McKnight October 17th, 2006, 01:49 PM http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0610brieflyhddvd.html heath Frank Granovski October 17th, 2006, 05:36 PM The question is, which one's better? Then who will care about the other one? John C. Chu December 28th, 2006, 09:53 PM I'm resurrecting this thread... Macworld is going to happen in a couple weeks. Besides, the iPhone, iTV or whatever magic product that might get introduced...I would really like to see HD-DVD support in iDVD on regular red laser DVD's. Maybe the iLife 07 will have this feature? Most Mac users already have DVD-R drives...this would be a sweet little addition, without having to go ahead and buy new HD-DVD/Blu-Ray drive just yet. With a HDV camcorder going for $950[the HV-10] and the Toshiba HD-DVD player going for around $300 refurbished... the missing piece in my "imaginary" shopping list is a easy to use HD-DVD authoring program.[That of course also supports Blu-Ray recorders if needed in the future]. Is it still too soon? Bill Davis December 30th, 2006, 02:18 AM Well, perhaps a somewhat delayed Santa will drop iDVD-HD on us on the 9th in San Francisco. That would be pretty cool. John C. Chu December 30th, 2006, 08:10 AM Well, perhaps a somewhat delayed Santa will drop iDVD-HD on us on the 9th in San Francisco. That would be pretty cool. Yep, and it doesn't even have to be super fancy--I don't care about all the fancy "themes"---just make it bullet proof with some chapter stops and a play button. That's it. And it should work as soon as a I pop it into a HD-DVD player. That would the goal for me. Jim Michael December 30th, 2006, 10:41 AM ... in an 8 core box John C. Chu December 30th, 2006, 10:47 AM With the new Intel native Photoshop available as a beta and coming out next year...I think, this is finally the time for a lot of people looking to upgrade to a new intel Mac to jump right in. [As for myself, my Dual 2.0 G5 will just have to do for a few more years..] Yeah, I read about the quad core Intel Chips--which is pin compatible with the current chips...so I guess Mac Pro owners can just plop in two new chips and voila... 8 core Mac Pro. I would think it will make HD editing even more smooth. Dan Aragon February 23rd, 2007, 08:05 PM Apple to support Blu-Ray and HD DVD? Doesn't seem too surprising, although I really don't know too much about the differences in the two technologies. I mean, think of the two DVD-R formats when they came out. Now pretty much every burner supports both DVD-R +/-. Heath McKnight February 23rd, 2007, 08:13 PM I saw Blu-Ray discs (-R and -RW) at Circuit City yesterday. I didn't think I'd see them there so fast. heath Stephen Claus March 1st, 2007, 04:37 PM I sure hope "supporting" BD and HD-DVD means selling computers with hi-def burners installed and working seamlessly with all Mac video editing software. We've had iMovieHD and Final Cut Express HD for awile now, we are long overdue for the last piece of the HD puzzle--an HD disc burner! Come on Apple! |