View Full Version : Which NLE (if any) allows for an external monitor SD preview of HD/HDV format

Dwight Flynn
October 17th, 2006, 01:17 PM
I vaguely remember there being an NLE which allows for SD preview for color correction on an external monitor, even though the timeline stream is an HD/HDV one. Or maybe it was a plug-in that accomplished this in a particular NLE. At any rate, does anyone know which NLE (and/or) plug-in accomplishes this?


Graham Hickling
October 18th, 2006, 12:54 AM
Well, I know can do it with Premiere Pro2 and a suitable graphics card that has composite or component video out.

For example, I have an Nvidia 6600GT driving a 19" widescreen LCD monitor, and a 19" widescreen LCD TV. I set up windows display properties as follows (this is not original, sorry I didnt keep track of which DVi post originally had this info):

Connect the composite or component outputs of the video card to the external monitor.

1. In Windows Display Properties Click on the ‘Settings’ Tab
2. Select the external monitor in the ‘Display’ drop down menu
3. Be sure that the check box “Extend My Windows Desktop onto This Monitor” is CHECKED.
4. Click on the ‘Advanced’ button to view the nVidia Card
5. Click on the Tab with the nVidia Logo and the model name/number of the card.
6. In the side menu that pops out select ‘Full Screen Video’
7. In the ‘Full Screen Device’ drop down menu, select ‘Auto-Select’
8. Apply the settings

Use the Nvidia control panel to specify output as 480i (if its an SD monitor) or 720p or whatever you require.

You can also use the Nvidia card to color-adjust the display properties of the external moitor - just be sure to specify "Overlay" before making these adjustments.

Hope that helps.

Gary Bettan
October 18th, 2006, 10:24 AM
Avid Xpress Pro w/ Mojo. Mojo gives you real-time SD output monitoring from an HDV timeline. Very cool feature.

You can use the QuadroFX 540/560/1500 pro video version with Premeire Pro. This gives you analog SD/HD output from the timeline. But it's not dwon converting.

With the Matrox RT.X2 and Premeire Pro 2 you get real-tiome down convert. you also get a ton of real -tiem HDV editing features that go way beyond waht just Premeire pro can deliver.

For more info on all of the above - check out


Graham Hickling
October 18th, 2006, 10:29 AM
Gary, What are you getting at when you say "this gives you analog SD output from the [HDV] timeline ... but it's not down converting"?

Glenn Chan
October 18th, 2006, 12:08 PM
In Vegas, you would do this by changing the project settings to SD. Vegas is very flexible with project settings.

Dwight Flynn
October 18th, 2006, 10:57 PM
Glenn, I was under the impression that you needed an additional plugin from VASSt in order to do this in Vegas.
