View Full Version : Hoodman in bright sunlight?

Bruce S. Yarock
October 17th, 2006, 06:44 AM
I did an outside shoot this week end in Miami with the clients Z1(I have an XL2 and an FX1). Since it was so bright, I couldn't use the lcd, and had to squint into the little viewfinder for 8 hours.
When I got home the first night, I had a throbbing ache in my right eye. The next day I brought my XL2 which has the high res crt monochrome viewfinder. Shooting with the XL2 viewfinder (and switching to my left eye) I was fine.
My question is- Would something like the hoodman allow you to use the lcd instead of the viewfinder in bright sunlight? Any other suggestions?
Bruce S. Yarock

Charles Papert
October 17th, 2006, 03:26 PM
There are two kinds of Hoodmans, ones that resemble an open-ended box and the diagonally slanted ones. The slanted ones perform much better in that they eliminate any surface reflection on the face of the monitor, as well as cutting ambient light. The square ones only cut the ambient. Unfortunately any Hoodman below the 8" monitor size will only come in the square shape.

It's better than nothing and it just might be enough, but it's not perfect, and if the sun is behind you there won't be much improvement over a bare screen.

However, it's a pretty inexpensive investment and a good thing to have in the kit regardless.

Bruce S. Yarock
October 17th, 2006, 04:01 PM
Thanks, Charles.
Bruce S. yarock

Harold Schreiber
October 17th, 2006, 04:16 PM
Hi Bruce,

I don't have the Cams you've got, but I do a lot of outdoor Video (horse shows).

I simply made the proper sized hoods for my cams out of Velcro, cardboard, and some Duct Tape and flat black paint.

I've also made them for my 5" and 8" LCD monitors that I use most of the time, on most shoots.

Much cheaper, easy to make, and always the right size for whatever equipment you have. Can send you Pics if interested.


Bruce S. Yarock
October 17th, 2006, 07:02 PM
That sounds great. Then I could make it bigger(deeper) than the standard hoodman.Please do email a pic to yarock at a o l dot com.
Bruce S. Yarock

Bruce S. Yarock
October 17th, 2006, 07:04 PM
Does your design also eliminate surface glare ( see Charles' post)?
Bruce S. Yarock

Harold Schreiber
October 17th, 2006, 09:10 PM
Hi Bruce,

Check your E-Mail, samples there.


Bruce S. Yarock
October 20th, 2006, 04:14 AM
Thanks, Harold.
Bruce S. yarock