View Full Version : Help me allocate my equipment

Dan Burnap
October 14th, 2006, 11:31 AM
I am going to be filimg my first wedding in a few months. I have filmed other events but this is my first ceremony (the couple dont want the party covered which takes the pressure off the first one a bit!).

I was planning to deploy my equipment as follows:

1) DVC30 + Rode VM on Manfrotto fluid head monopod: capturing the enterance, ceremony, departure etc.

2) 1CCD camera locked off wide at rear of church as another audio source and backup footage

3) Iriver with Giant Squid mic on groom.

Does that placement sound reasonable? I have another Iriver & GSquid mic to use plus one assistant. Not sure of the best place for those?


Mike F Smith
October 14th, 2006, 02:28 PM
You work with what you got. So considering that I think your plan is workable. The audio from your 1ccd camera in the back likely will only be good for room noise. Your problem may be to get those cameras to look decently matched in post. May not be completely doable. It will help your cause if there is plenty of light in the room.

Break a Leg,


Bill Flowers
October 14th, 2006, 08:58 PM
Would using something like WarmCards to white balance both cameras the same help? Of course, they are likely using different gamma curves, knees, etc. but ...

I'm doing my 1st semi-serious wedding next week using a DVX100a but still have my old Sony TRV80. I figure all audio will be captured on the DVX100a (with an external mic) except for what I capture with the Giant Squid I'm micing the groom with.

As you say, you work with what you've got. (Wish my 2nd camera was a DVC30).