Brian Ladue
October 11th, 2006, 10:52 AM
I was intent to wait for the new HD200, but now with all the nice deals for a HD110 w/battery system, etc....I was wondering if i would be better off just getting the HD110? Can someone help me to see clearly what the benefits the HD200 would have over the 110? would it be just the benefit of nice slo mo? maybe i should clarify the work i do, I currently use a Canon XL1s and I do documentaries and like to shoot nature/wildlife stuff. In the docs I interview people and have alot of cuts of Nature, wildlife etc.... I've been using, well obviously the 60i format. So my question is, would it be such a big deal to do interviews in 720p 30fps? I have no experience with the JVC camera, so i'm not sure how the interviews would look in this format?
Shaun Wilson
October 11th, 2006, 04:16 PM
I've recently moved from a XL1s to a HD100 and have no regrets.
I also wondered about waiting for the HD200, ended up not bothering and grabbing a HD100 cos:
-HD110 was about to come along and I got it very cheap with bonus stuff (sounds like there's some good bonuses with the HD110 now)
-HD200 looked like it was going to be a bit of a jump in cost compared to the HD100
-Decided I didn't really need 720p50 (I'm in PAL land)
-Am an impatient bugger
As far as I can tell, the only real reason you'd get a HD200 is for 720p50/60. If you wanna do nice slowmo in HD, it's worth waiting and paying more (might be handy for your wildlife stuff). However, if you just want a solid replacement for your XL1s that can do HD, go for the HD110. Remember the HD110 can do 60i as well (and better than a XL1s can).
Stephan Ahonen
October 11th, 2006, 09:14 PM
I'm waiting for HD200, reason being the broadcast standard for HD is 60p. When shooting video for broadcast I would rather shoot at the broadcast standard frame rate in order to hold up against other HD material. The other reason being I shoot sports and 30p simply isn't enough temporal resolution. I could go 480p60 and uprez, but then what's the point of buying an HD camera? Upconverted 480i material looks just about as good as uprezzed 480p60 material, and an XL2 with a manual lens would be a whole lot cheaper. Not to mention standard DV is a lot easier to deal with.