John Stanley
March 14th, 2003, 12:42 PM
I was wondering if I could buy any bulb that is the correct amp/watt combination to replace what I ordered with my light. The bulb is a General Brand EMD 120 Volts/750 Watts Lamp and I'm using it with a Lowel tota light. Is there any difference in, say, the color temperature from a bulb I may be able to get at Home Depot, or does the lamp itself need to be specific for video, etc.?
Thanks in Advance,
- John
Mike Rehmus
March 14th, 2003, 01:02 PM
There can be a color difference but you won't know without testing or if the information accompanying the lamp tells you.
Truth is it takes a critical eye (or a white background) to probably tell the difference in a couple of hundred degrees of difference.
If even a small difference is a problem, then you either have to test every lamp or buy from a known source.
Bryan Beasleigh
March 14th, 2003, 08:53 PM
The designation EMD is a generic description. In the GE catalog it is a 3200K , 750 watt T3 halogen with a life of 400 hours
Click seearch and in description enter EMD.
The ushio is the easiest catalog to read page 3 of the theatrical cat has all the cross reference codes. the EMD is again recognized by it's generic descriptor.
People tell me that the eye can see a 100 to 150 degree K difference. If all is equal who really cares though. if you read the catalogs, the long life and cheaper lamps are the 2900 to 3100 K.
The bulb is around $15 and has cost of .03 per hour. Why be cheap?
If a bulb carries the right description code the color temp should be correct or close enough.
John Stanley
March 14th, 2003, 09:00 PM
Thanks for your help.
I'm going to check out also. I wonder (and I'm a newbie) what difference it all makes as long as you white balance the camera. hmm...
But, if the $15.00 to $18.00 range (I paid $17something for the lamp) is standard then I don't mind just paying it and being safe.
Thanks again for your responses.
Bryan Beasleigh
March 14th, 2003, 09:11 PM
The ushio catalog is the easiest to read. All of the numbers and specs are the same.GE, sylvania, ushio or general have the same basic descriptor
John Stanley
March 14th, 2003, 09:13 PM
Great! Gonna check that out now. Thank you!
Steven Digges
March 15th, 2003, 07:34 PM
Bulb Direct is also a great place to find replacement lamps at a discount price.
You are wise to be aware of the manufactures high mark ups for replacement items. The lamps for my Cool-Lux Tri-Light are at Home Depot for $6.00 instead of $25.00 from Cool-Lux. The Cool-Lux catalog also made a lighting dimmer sound very proprietary and perfect for my kit. I ordered 2 of them at $50.00 each. When they arrived I was immediately disappointed to see that they were so cheap they did not even have a ground pin receptacle (all lighting should be grounded in my opinion). Ten minutes later I was in Target to buy the ground lift adapters needed to plug my lights into the new dimmers. Right there in the electrical department were the exact same dimmers I paid $50.00 for from Cool-Lux for $15.00 at Target. I bought 2 more and vowed to quit buying Cool-Lux products.
Jacques Mersereau
March 17th, 2003, 08:58 PM
A good place to get "lamps" is