View Full Version : Download eight 1080/60i XH G1 clips provided by Kaku Ito

Chris Hurd
October 9th, 2006, 08:09 AM
Note: download and save files to your local drive first before viewing. These are raw Mpeg transport streams that are best viewed on an HDTV. Shot descriptions provided by Kaku Ito.

1. Tripod Panning doing drop auto focus ( Size: 24.14Mb - Added 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 2.6 - Shutter: 1/120 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset: Factory Preset 9ish - Focus: Auto low sensitivity - Zoom: wide to slightly zoom in and zoom out again - Additional Rig: Manfrotto S503 Videohead

Description: Intended to slow down in the post, checking how HDV compression stands for panning the cast in front of green grass and trees. Me doing a 6 feet drop. Cam panning in front of green grass and trees that challenging for HDV codec. Cast: Kaku Ito, Cam: Nancy Ito

2. Tripod James Triple rear angle ( Size: 33.8Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 4 - Shutter: 1/120 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset: Factory Preset 9ish - Focus: Fixed - Zoom: Wide to zoomed in - Additional Rig: Manfrotto S503 Videohead

Description: Intended to slow down in the post. James doing the triple jump but shot from his back, wide angle to zoomed in while he proceeds his jump. Cast: James Ishido, Cam: Nancy Ito

3. Tripod James & me Triple auto focus ( Size: 51.9Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain:0 - Fstop: 4 - Shutter: 1/120 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset : Factory Preset 9ish - Focus: Auto low sensitivity - Zoom: Wide to zoomed in - Additional Rig: Manfrotto S503 Videohead

Description: Intended to slow down in the post, checking the auto focus on two casts moving. James and me doing the triple jump, shot from his back, wide angle to zoomed in while he proceeds his jump. Cast: James Ishido and Kaku Ito, Cam: Nancy Ito

4. Sundown kid throwing kiss ( Size: 26.55Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 5.2 - Shutter: 1/60 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset: Factory Preset 8ish - Focus: Auto low sensitivity - Zoom: Manual zoom ring - Additional Rig: Shoulder attachment

Description: No intention, just wanted to catch the kid walking. Kid walking and turn around and throw a kiss and bye, slightly backlighted. Cast: Haruna, Cam: Kaku Ito

5. Neon signs during sunset ( Size: 56.73 - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 6.2 - Shutter: 1/60 - OIS: On - Custom Preset: cinelook 1 - Focus: Fixed - Zoom: Fixed - Additional Rig: None

Description: Famous Shibuya Station Neons during sunset. Cam: Kaku Ito

6. Makhari Panorama Pan ( Size: 167.77Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 4.4 - Shutter: 1/120 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset: Cinelook 1 - Focus: Fixed - Zoom: Fixed - Additional Rig: Manfrotto S503 Videohead

Description: To check resolution on the wide angle with smooth panning, green field to the sparkling ocean with convention center in the background. Panned on the Manfrotto video head, wide angled at green field to the sparkling ocean with large buildings in the background. Since it is panning, I
turned off the optical stablizer but the wind was so strong and that is why it is little shaky. Cast: Masaya and Jonathan, Cam: Kaku Ito

7. Fountain direct sun ( Size: 60.35Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 9.5 - Shutter: 1/60 - OIS: On - Custom Preset: cinelook 1 - Focus: Fixed - Zoom: Fixed - Additional Rig: None

Description: Water fountain in the middle of a pound with some direct sun between the tree. Cam: Kaku Ito

8. Bright to Shade Zoom out/in autofocus ( Size: 45.87Mb - Added: 09.10.2006 - Format: 1080/60i - Gain: 0 - Fstop: 3.4 - Shutter: 1/120 - OIS: Off - Custom Preset: Factory Preset 9ish - Focus: Auto low sensitivity - Zoom: Zoom in to wide angle as the cast gets closer - Additional Rig: Manfrotto S503 Videohead

Description: Intended to check the ability to cover bright and dark area in the same shot. Me doing the triple, cam covering the bright and dark area at the same time. Cast: Kaku Ito, Cam: Nancy Ito

Chris Hurd
October 9th, 2006, 08:14 AM
Stand by for more... there are some 24F clips, Glidecam clips, and other material to be posted shortly under separate topics.

Kaku Ito
October 9th, 2006, 08:33 AM
Thanks very much for all of the work Chris.

Chris Hurd
October 9th, 2006, 08:42 AM
I think you're the one who did all of the work Kaku!

Kaku Ito
October 9th, 2006, 08:47 AM
Comparing to what I had to go through with XL H1 at that time, this time around was so much easier.

Thanks to FCP 5.2 being compatible with Canon's 24F, I captured the whole tapes, with automatic scene detection, each scenes are captured all separately. Then I selected the good clips, even set start and end time within the clips, all of the in/out information displayed in FCP's browser was so useful, then go to LumiereHD 1.7 manually to capture according to the information.

Gotta thank Frederic Haubrich for the help and making LumiereHD 1.7 compatible with Canon 24F format.

Tony Tremble
October 9th, 2006, 08:48 AM
May I be the first to


Rafael Lopes
October 9th, 2006, 09:32 AM
Hey Kaku, what are the main differences you can tell us about on Xl h1 vs G1? (apart from the obvious exchangable lenses)

Rafael Lopes
October 9th, 2006, 09:37 AM
I just watched the footage and it looks freaking amazing. I'm dying to see some 24f footage!

Matthew Nayman
October 9th, 2006, 09:38 AM
Yeah man... the low light really seems pretty good!

Floris van Eck
October 9th, 2006, 11:17 AM
The low-light indeed looks very promosing. Which settings did you use Kaku?

Tom Roper
October 9th, 2006, 11:21 AM
Floris, are you not seeing where Kaku posted his settings?

I cannot wait to see these. Bandwidth on company server frees up tonight for downloading.

Kaku Ito
October 9th, 2006, 11:26 AM
Thanks all.
Just before I go to sleep, 2:30am here in Japan, I just wanted to mention ain't seeing nothing yet without seeing 24F for the low lights ;).

At 24F, I turn the f-stop back by a couple of stops because it was too bright!

So, sit back tight for the 24F clips.

The glidecam clips turned out to be so so, it was too windy. But V8 or smoothshooter are perfect size for G1/A1. Also my video head 503 was working good, too.

Also, if anyone knows, I want to confirm that setting Matrox MXO at 1080/60i is correct to playback 24F. It seems to be.

Kaku Ito
October 9th, 2006, 11:30 AM
Floris, are you not seeing where Kaku posted his settings?

I cannot wait to see these. Bandwidth on company server frees up tonight for downloading.

Thanks for following up, and Tom, how did you like the Canon clips this time? Especially over Sony.

Tom Roper
October 9th, 2006, 12:54 PM
I haven't yet viewed the daylight clips. (Tonight!)

But what impressed me about the night lighted buds clips is a very encouraging sense of transparency and judder-free smoothness. It isn't much to go on, yet clips shot in less than ideal lighting/conditions can reveal weakness. But I didn't see a weakness. It is transparent, proper white balance, noise free. Based on that, I'm optimistically expectant the daylight clips will be stunning.

I like the new V1U clips also, but the 60i night lighted buds clips has more of the "reality" look I'm pursuing. So far, the 24p from the V1U while improved has a film look that many prefer, but not exactly what I want.

A strong lean toward the Canon, could clinch the deal when I view your new clips.

Different than last time when I selected the Z1U, this new Canon has the form factor, size and ergonomics I prefer, and a competitive price point. Had those factors been equal before, I would have probably selected the XL-H1 but I felt at that time the improvement in PQ if at all would not justify the extra price. But so far, I see some indication that the picture quality may be improved as with reduced noise and better low light as your video demonstrates.

Wade Hanchey
October 9th, 2006, 04:12 PM
Complete beginner here with a question. In the third clip, I'm seeing horizontal lines when I watch the shirts of the two riders. I'm viewing these with the VLC Media Player on a 19" LCD set at 1280x1024. Is it my hardware?


Kaku Ito
October 10th, 2006, 07:30 AM
If your computer is not fast enough to play all the data in the clip, you might get some horizantal lines. Then you might have to get faster computer to play it back.

Brent Ethington
October 10th, 2006, 08:12 AM
Complete beginner here with a question. In the third clip, I'm seeing horizontal lines when I watch the shirts of the two riders. I'm viewing these with the VLC Media Player on a 19" LCD set at 1280x1024. Is it my hardware?


i'm thinking it's a shutter speed issue? i played it back on a dual xeon-based pc and saw what you saw. seems like interlace artifacts on fast movement. i only noticed it on the 24f bike clips. i did play back the clips in vlc with deinterlace enabled.

Tom Roper
October 15th, 2006, 01:40 PM
These clips begin to take on a serious "Wow" factor when viewed via the HDMI connection of a Toshiba HD-DVD player to Samsung 50 inch DLP HDTV.

Barlow Elton
October 15th, 2006, 03:38 PM
Does the Toshiba play back m2t's or did you have to convert them to a different format?

Tom Roper
October 15th, 2006, 04:40 PM
You don't have to re-encode them but you do have to author them into the HD-DVD format. They play back in the native mpeg2ts 1440x1080i60 stream which HD-DVD supports. This is described elsewhere. AVSFORUM has a sticky under the HD-DVD software forum.

Soeren Mueller
October 17th, 2006, 06:34 AM
Thanks a bunch Kaku for all the great clips.. would you mind posting what settings you changed from the default settings when you made these clips? Would be great... :-)

Marty Hudzik
October 17th, 2006, 06:38 AM
You don't have to re-encode them but you do have to author them into the HD-DVD format. They play back in the native mpeg2ts 1440x1080i60 stream which HD-DVD supports. This is described elsewhere. AVSFORUM has a sticky under the HD-DVD software forum.

What about 24f m2t files? Do these work also?

Tom Roper
October 17th, 2006, 07:07 AM
What about 24f m2t files? Do these work also?

I'll have to try those and let you know. Since they are embedded into a 60i stream I imagine it will work.

Kaku Ito
October 17th, 2006, 05:41 PM
HD-DVD thing sounds hot.

24F mode should work the same way.
My Matrox MXO is working fine at 1080/60i mode with 24F clips, too.


The ones say preset 1 was changed from all default but changed to cinelook1, and blackstretch. Also all of the day light shooting had the sky smoothing thing on.

Tom Roper
October 17th, 2006, 09:03 PM
HD-DVD thing sounds hot.

24F mode should work the same way.
My Matrox MXO is working fine at 1080/60i mode with 24F clips, too.

Yes, Canon 24F authors to HD-DVD format without re-encoding.

Now...back to discussion of Kaku's clips. Remember, Steve Mullen was heaping praise on Sony V1 when viewed on projector via the HDMI output. Fair enough, but to evaluate HDV from other cams against V1 on even footing one needs an all digital pathway, HD-DVD is a robust method.