View Full Version : Emergency dead pixel issue - please help!

Ed Moore
October 6th, 2006, 02:14 PM
Hi all,

Stuck on a big expensive shoot with an H1 that has developed a dead pixel stuck on white near the centre of the frame which is being recorded onto tape, played out down the HD-SDI and so on: ie. a big problem.

Cycling the power appears to make no difference.

Aside from getting a new camera body somehow, do I have any options on how to fix this?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!


Chris Hurd
October 6th, 2006, 02:17 PM
Ed your only recourse is to get it into Canon UK Service. Is rental an immediate option for you? Another option might be to mask the offending pixel in post. At least it doesn't move.

Nick Hiltgen
October 6th, 2006, 10:25 PM
Ed this may sound REALLY dumb but I know someone (don't look back in the beginning of the posts) who had a similar issue witha glowing white pixel right there in the frame.

There can be the slightest little bit of dust on the piece of glass in front of the sensor, double then triple check that that is REALLY clean, because that will look EXACTLY like a lit pixel. short of that you could always put the camera in a slightly warmer or cooler enviornment to see if it brings the pixel back. (but you probably shouldn't do that. Double check that piece of glass/plastic)

Ed Moore
October 7th, 2006, 01:10 AM
Thanks guys - the post option will definitely get me at least as far as the client not noticing, if I still will! And I'll get the CCD checked - there does seem to be a smudgey bit appearing behind the CCD block glass cover which I suspect is condensation as we're shooting in the middle of a very wet and cold forest in the early morning. Will triple check for dust; but this spot has appeared before in exactly the same spot so a bit suspicious...

There must be some sort of secret masking menu on the camera, shurely?



Chris Hurd
October 7th, 2006, 08:27 AM
There must be some sort of secret masking menu on the camera, shurely?In legend only. No human being has ever found it... a secret closely guarded by the service technician elves.

Doug Bennett
October 7th, 2006, 11:32 AM
fixing in post (at least in FCP in SD) is real simple. I've noticed some hot pixels only show up at higher gain settings. Maybe try turning gain down to -3?