View Full Version : DVCAM 124 and 184

Gerry Fraiberg
October 3rd, 2006, 05:49 AM
Has anyone had experience with DVCAM 124 and 184 length tapes? I've run into situations shooting events with DVC 60s where the first few words of the groom's speech are lost while changing tapes (unscripted, alcohol induced speeches tend to go on, don't they?). I plan to shoot an upcoming event with a Sony PD170 and output via firewire to a DSR11 deck. The DSR11 accepts the larger tapes, which I will record in DV mode rather than DVCAM to get one continuous tape of the event (chamber of commerce manager's retirement roast), then edit using FCP5. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.


Gerry Fraiberg

Peter Jefferson
October 3rd, 2006, 06:44 AM
Has anyone had experience with DVCAM 124 and 184 length tapes?

I've run into situations shooting events with DVC 60s where the first few words of the groom's speech are lost while changing tapes (unscripted, alcohol induced speeches tend to go on, don't they?).
((That they do...))

I plan to shoot an upcoming event with a Sony PD170 and output via firewire to a DSR11 deck.

The DSR11 accepts the larger tapes, ((That it does.. ))

which I will record in DV mode rather than DVCAM to get one continuous tape of the event (chamber of commerce manager's retirement roast), then edit using FCP5. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

((hmm.. the only difference is the tape length, the format is nigh on identical, howeve DVCam is using a locked audio with a faster spooling rate, so the DVCam will be shorter than standard DV.
Cameras like the DVX and the newer DVC30, as well as the newer Sony cams also have locked audio in DV mode, without the loss on tape duration, so DVCam is slowly becoming a redundant format
The only benefit i see with using teh larger sized tapes is duration.

cost is much more expecnsive (60bux for a 184min tape vs 15bux for te same duration on a PanaMQ tape...

In addition to cost, u can also shoot with 80min tapes in DV mode straight from the cams deck as oppsed to firewiring a DSR11... DV abd DVCam are no different in quality

Gerry Fraiberg
October 4th, 2006, 11:54 AM
Thanks Peter,
The only reason I would consider the DVCAM 124 and 184 length tapes is because I won't lose any of the event. Of course it means bringing in more gear. Yes, the DVCAM tapes are more money, but the client will absorb it. Are there any problems with editing, i.e. capturing one long clip?

Gerry Fraiberg

Peter Jefferson
October 4th, 2006, 04:44 PM
not really, ive never had an issue, i usually just set it to capture while i go shopping or something, the app usualy stops capturing when the timecode breaks, so even if u dont use up all the tape, your not left with half an hour of blank.

as for doing this, what i would recomend would be to run the camera in a backup mode, to allow the recording of tape from within the cameras deck AS WELL as outputting to firewire

this way, u can still change tape while u record. I do this with the DVX100 and i know the PD150/70 can also do this.But to be honest it takes between 12 and 27 seconds to remove and replace a tape and start recording (ive timed it.. yup im a pedant.. ) so the relevance of these larger tapes.. is up to you.

As u know though, DVCam runs a faster spool, so just be aware that it may not be as to the minute as these smaller tapes.. one thing i love about htese large tapes is that they outlive the smaller tapes by about 20 generations.. ive seen 1 tape recycled about 25times and they still work wonderfully. (im referng to the SOnyDVCam tapes in the blue box)