View Full Version : Adapter

Matt Setnes
October 2nd, 2006, 02:39 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there supposed to be a bayonet adapter bye jvc released this fall?

Stephen L. Noe
October 2nd, 2006, 02:50 PM
Yes, It's been seen (and used) here in Chicago several times. Hold onto your hat for it's release. It's something that adds trememdous value to your ProHD purchase.

Matt Setnes
October 2nd, 2006, 03:08 PM
Well that's good to hear, I thought it was forgotten about. ::wipes forehead::

Fabrice Hoffmann
October 3rd, 2006, 01:54 AM
Hello everybody,

This is my first post and i thanks all of you to make me learn a lot since i started to read those threads six month ago.

What do you think about using this adapter with the Redrock M2. Will it be possible ? If i underdstand it well, if it works, i will have a better image because of no CA...

Tim Dashwood
October 3rd, 2006, 01:10 PM
Hello everybody,

This is my first post and i thanks all of you to make me learn a lot since i started to read those threads six month ago.

What do you think about using this adapter with the Redrock M2. Will it be possible ? If i underdstand it well, if it works, i will have a better image because of no CA...
Hi Fabrice,

The adapter the guys are referring to is a 16mm PL mount adapter that connects directly to the body of the HD100/110/200/250, allowing the use of 16mm or super 16mm PL lens. I think the closest comparable device would be the P+S Pro35. However, little is know about the inner workings of this JVC device. We don't even know if it uses a re-imager.

The Redrock M2 device connects to the end of a relay lens. In the case of the HD100 you would keep the stock lens attached, connect the M2 box to the end of it, and then attach 35mm lens to the M2.

Fabrice Hoffmann
October 3rd, 2006, 01:36 PM
Thank's Tim,

But I'm not sure to understand.

This device won't be like Zoerk's one which allow you to put nikkon lenses (but without having film depth of field) but more like P+S technik which allows reduced depth of field ? Or in another way it will also replace the M2 device and the relay lens ?

If this is true, it's better than what i thought. Is there an approximate time release ?

Tim Dashwood
October 3rd, 2006, 02:45 PM
Our understanding (from the limited information gathered at NAB) is that the Super-16 equivalent field of view and depth of field characteristics are somehow maintained. We won't really know until this product is released.

What we do know is that the image will be inverted, hence the added ability to flip the LCD/VF image in the HD110, and the image layed to tape in the HD200/250.

Here's some photos I took at NAB.

Matt Setnes
October 3rd, 2006, 02:55 PM
Shucks, I was hoping it'd be a simple mount change ring. Wish I would have waited for the 110. Oh well. Anyone know if anyone sells a lcd mirror hood? That'll be my only option.

Not to change the subject of the thread, but since I'm such the newbert, is it possible to use a 77mm filter if I bought a 82mm step down ring for this camera?

Lee Alford
October 3rd, 2006, 05:38 PM
i wonder if it will be like this
i dont think dof gets more shallow then stock lens but you can use good lenses. i hope dof gets more shallow. i will for sure get one if i get hd200.