View Full Version : WMV/MPEG into Avid

Sean Gillane
October 2nd, 2006, 11:24 AM
Howdy -

I'm currently trying to put a DVD together for a client of various news clips concerning their company. Most of the video comes from VHS tapes I'm capturing, but some are on CDs as wmvs and mpegs. I'm using cleaner and sorenson squeeze to convert these, import them into avid, and then record them to a minidv tape. It's almost working, but the audio seems to be sped up about 125% percent and distorted. I'm trying a few different options as far as file type and such, but nothing is working so far.

Anyone know any good settings in either of these programs (cleaner or sorenson squeeze) to get this to work. The video quality is not such a huge issue as its not going to look so hot either way, but I'd like to at least have the audio in sync.


-Sean G-

Michael Hendrix
October 2nd, 2006, 01:55 PM
Would you happen to have Adobe After Effects? I have imported into After Effects, and sized the video within the comp. Seems to work better and the quality is what it is.

Sean Gillane
October 2nd, 2006, 02:18 PM
I don't have AE at the office I work at so I can't really try that one out. I'm having a little more luck on a mac though using a couple other programs. Thanks for the suggestion.