View Full Version : FYI: PDF's of interest on HDV and Film Gamma

Stephen L. Noe
October 1st, 2006, 10:53 PM

Here are some pdf's for your reading pleasure. I've posted them before (way back when ProHD was brand new).

HDV whitepaper ( Pinnacle/Avid)

Practical HDV editing ( (courtesy Pinnacle/Avid)

Cinegamma video to film ( (courtesy Panasonic)

Large Siemen Star Chart ( (courtesy Panavision)

It might be of interest to people who are cutting ProHD natively and trying to figure out gamma for filmout.

all the best! S.Noe

Tim Dashwood
October 1st, 2006, 11:48 PM
Thanks Stephen,

I also always found these ASC comparison grabs from 35mm, 16mm and video a great way to illustrate the concepts in Michael Bergeron's paper on gamma response and latitude (aka dynamic range.)

Stephen L. Noe
October 2nd, 2006, 08:54 AM
Excellent Tim.

If anyone can link any more relevant PDF's to this thread it would be great. Maybe not so much discussion but instead just information (any workflow) or subject pertaining to ProHD.