Frank Granovski
October 1st, 2006, 05:31 PM
Which one makes the better tasting beers, Shiner or Holsten?
View Full Version : The Shiner Thread Frank Granovski October 1st, 2006, 05:31 PM Which one makes the better tasting beers, Shiner or Holsten? Greg Boston October 1st, 2006, 05:32 PM Honestly haven't tried Holsten. Is this a Canadian brew? What type of beer? Lager? Bock? Ale? -gb- edit: Nevermind, I Googled it and found it's a German lager. Looks much too light for my tastes. Frank Granovski October 1st, 2006, 05:36 PM They make several different kinds of beer. The Festbock is far from light, and it comes with a 7% punch. Can you handle it? :-) Greg Boston October 1st, 2006, 05:41 PM They make several different kinds of beer. The Festbock is far from light, and it comes with a 7% punch. Can you handle it? :-) Oh you're talking. That's a bit like the Celis Grand Cru, a Belgian white beer at 6%. -gb- Frank Granovski October 1st, 2006, 07:43 PM Hehe---. I'm going to see if Shiner's sold locally to try a bottle (or a can). In the meantime, I'm sucking on a tall can of Holsten Premium. It's an in-between type of beer and with only a 5% punch. Goes down smooth. :-) Frank Granovski October 2nd, 2006, 07:28 PM No Shiners in I'm drinking a Holsten - a strong Teutonic brew. Frank Granovski July 12th, 2007, 02:52 AM I found a new one: FAXE Strong - from Denmark. Wow! Craig Chartier July 12th, 2007, 01:37 PM shiner blonde is better, hang on,,,, yes,, yes in my side by side. properly chilled, test. I think.... Oh wait. maybe I need to open up another one of these.... anyway what was the question? Boyd Ostroff July 13th, 2007, 01:12 AM shiner blonde is better Shiner Hefeweizen ain't bad either :-P Richard Alvarez July 13th, 2007, 07:34 AM Shiner Bock. No doubt. Got a problem with that? Step outside... I gotta go to the john first though... Greg Boston July 13th, 2007, 10:47 AM shiner blonde is better, hang on,,,, yes,, yes in my side by side. properly chilled, test. I think.... Oh wait. maybe I need to open up another one of these.... anyway what was the question? Blondes may be better for some things, but NOT MY BEER. (grin) It's amber bock for me all the way! -gb- John M. McCloskey July 13th, 2007, 11:55 AM Kokanee in Canada and Natural light in the USA Frank Granovski July 13th, 2007, 02:25 PM Kokanee - smells like perfume. Pacific Pilsner is a way better. Craig Chartier July 13th, 2007, 04:08 PM Have any of you guys had something called " genny cream ale" Boyd Ostroff July 13th, 2007, 04:49 PM Sure, it's brewed in Rochester and I had it from time to time when I lived in upstate NY. Never was much of a favorite of mine though. But you Canadians have lots of great beers and ales! Mooseheads, Molson Golden, Molson Canadian and Labatt's Blue are big favorites of mine :-) Frank Granovski July 13th, 2007, 08:07 PM When I picked up a few cans of FAXE Strong this evening, at the Canadian Government Alcoholics Store, I got to try some Mexican beer. It was really good---smooth. But they didn't sell any tall cans so I passed. Re: "Mooseheads, Molson Golden, Molson Canadian and Labatt's Blue" Oh come on. None of those beers are good plus they are owned by Americans. Boyd Ostroff July 14th, 2007, 01:57 PM Well I know that Molsons was bought by Coors a few years ago, but I've been drinking them for almost 30 years. I started with all those brands when I moved to a little town in upstate New York (right across Lake Ontario from Ottawa) in 1979. I think all those brands were Canadian then, eh? Had never seen them anywhere until I moved up there. Back then we couldn't get cable (and probably still couldn't in that area), so the Ottawa TV stations were a mainstay - I think I was brainwashed by all the beer ads :-) What Canadian brands do you like? I suspect their availability may be limited here in the States. Frank Granovski July 14th, 2007, 06:22 PM Coors owns Mooseheads as well. The only Canadian breweries left are the small mom & pops like Granville Island, etc. About 90% of Canadian breweries are now not Canadian owned. Granville Island Breweries makes very good beer. Frank Granovski July 14th, 2007, 06:29 PM I should add that I don't like any of the beer made by those large, once Canadian owned companies. Most of their beer have preservatives and other chemicals and the few that are pure (Molson's Pilsner for example), taste like sh**. That Mexican beer sure is nice but it is quite expensive, and I'm not sure about the water. John Jay July 15th, 2007, 10:13 AM my fave ATM is "Okocim" a 5.5 percenter from Poland great Neck Oil :) John M. McCloskey July 16th, 2007, 12:46 PM When in college I had a friend from North Dakota who use to bring Molson XXX back from Canada, anyone know if this beer still exists. It didnt take many of these XXX to get you seeing XXX. Frank Granovski July 16th, 2007, 03:58 PM Yeah, Molsons is owned by Coors. Chris Hurd July 16th, 2007, 04:05 PM Shiner Bock (and all other Shiner beers produced by the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas) is privately owned by The Gambrinus Company ( in San Antonio, Texas. Boyd Ostroff July 16th, 2007, 05:49 PM This is interesting: There’s no Shiner Beer out here in Maine, but there’s Corona and Moosehead, which are beers from Gambrinus. What’s the deal? Where’s the Shiner? Since 1989, the Spoetzl Brewery has been privately owned by The Gambrinus Company of San Antonio, Texas. Gambrinus imports Corona beer (and other Modelo brands from Mexico) to the eastern half of the U.S. and imports Moosehead Beer (from Canada) nationwide. Gambrinus also owns the BridgePort Brewing Co. in Portland, Oregon. Frank Granovski July 16th, 2007, 09:00 PM After reading the Shiner F&Q, I really wanted to try one. Terry Nixon August 13th, 2007, 03:42 PM Shiner doesn't like me anymore. i have managed to acquire a crisper with at least a 12 pack of shiner sitting in it. Lately, i've been enamored with Real Ale's Rio Blanco Pale Ale. To buy Real Ale though, i have to make a special trip to Whole Foods or Central Market. For guest beer this weekend, i picked up a 12 pack of Lone Star. We'll see how long it takes to drink if the friends won't touch it. Joe Carney August 13th, 2007, 03:46 PM I am proud to say I have created at least 20 new Shiner Bock customers. It's just gotten darned expensive here in Northern VA. When I went back to AR to visit family it was a dollar a six pack cheaper. Michael Pace August 15th, 2007, 12:31 AM For guest beer this weekend, i picked up a 12 pack of Lone Star. We'll see how long it takes to drink if the friends won't touch it. Hey now, Lone/Rice Star still has its place-- crossing TX on a bike in summer there's often nothing better avail in the gas station cooler. After 12 hours in the saddle heat, a brace of LS tallboys in the muggy camp night is just about tops. But alas, Shiner (Bock) still rules in this gullet. First encountered the stuff in 1996 in Presidio-- we bought a 12 pack of Bock CANS and eventually found our way to Terlingua with a few of them left. We asked around for Paris, Texas shooting locations and bagged some pix of us drinking Bock from cans at the American Legion post there (Tell me somezink: did your brozer get himself in a car wreck?) Good times. Have never seen a Shiner in a can since then. Prices: amazingly, the cheapest i've ever found Bock was in Sac-area California-- $5.99 religiously for sixes, $2 for 22 ouncers. That's cheaper than i've ever found it in TX, note. Good on Chris for bagging the Shiner sponsorship ('Time Code Break' heh) (as sips a Yuengling Black and Tan, sigh) Joe Carney September 4th, 2007, 03:39 PM I like Yuengling BandT myself. Good stuff. If you're hard core, their porter is good too. Lorinda Norton December 17th, 2007, 04:43 PM My folks and brother took a side trip just for me while in San Marcos and San Antonio last week and visited the brewery in Shiner. They were so impressed—Mom said they give four good-sized samples of beer rather than the dinky ones the big breweries hand out. I think those samples may be what prompted her to purchase these and sneak them onto my Christmas tree while I was gone… Thanks so much, Chris and Jeff, for all the help. I believe they visited every single place you mentioned, plus some other stops that made it a great trip for them! Chris Hurd December 17th, 2007, 08:37 PM My folks and brother took a side trip just for me while in San Marcos and San Antonio last week and visited the brewery in Shiner. They were so impressed—Mom said they give four good-sized samples of beer rather than the dinky ones the big breweries hand out. I think those samples may be what prompted her to purchase these and sneak them onto my Christmas tree while I was gone… Thanks so much, Chris and Jeff, for all the help. I believe they visited every single place you mentioned, plus some other stops that made it a great trip for them!Great! Glad your folks enjoyed their visit and happy to see that they made the detour over to the city of Shiner. Thanks a bunch for the holiday photo! I haven't seen the Shiner ornaments before, so thanks a bunch for sharing that picture with us! Cheers, Jack Jenkins February 11th, 2008, 12:54 PM Shiner Black, is all you need Lorinda Norton June 5th, 2008, 09:31 AM Sifting through some pictures last night I ran across these that my dad took of my mom in Shiner, TX. She’s not really a drinker, but was quite taken with the brewery. One pic is of her going in; the next one shows her holding one of the several samples she was given inside. She’s a Shiner fan now. :) Love that van. Chris Hurd June 5th, 2008, 10:30 AM Great photos Lorinda! Thanks for sharing these, but I'm not sure how my van wound up in that shot... Andy Tejral June 5th, 2008, 11:30 AM Never tried Shiner but I'm going to miss Alaskan Amber when I leave the state. I'm considering moving to the Czech Republic so I thought I would czech out the beer--Pilsner Urquell is very good. Kinda like American beer but with flavor. Kokanee in the US is swill. I had some in Jasper and I remember it being good but the stuff here is yucky. There used to be a night club here in Anchorage that had a Budweiser tax--it was more expensive than the craft beers. Shaun Roemich June 5th, 2008, 01:47 PM Best two beers I've ever tasted were Antarctica (from Brazil) and Bitburger Pilz (from Germany) during my travels shooting docs. Lorinda Norton September 20th, 2008, 04:38 PM Hey Shiner Guys, Can't get Shiner in Idaho or even the neighboring state anymore! I'm in Missouri right now--leaving tomorrow morning. Found me some Shiner Bock and am trying to get one of my friends to haul it home (I'm flying). My question: Is it okay if Shiner gets warm? I've always been told not to let this precious stuff get warm but my pals tell me it'll be fine. I'm looking at 3-4 cases here so room is a problem or I'd buy some coolers and ice it down. Richard Alvarez September 20th, 2008, 04:47 PM Yeah, it should be fine if by 'getting warm' you mean sitting around in the room. Try not to leave it baking in a hot garage for a month .... well, maybe I'd still drink it - but you probably wouldn't! Lorinda Norton September 21st, 2008, 01:52 PM Thanks. My pals were trying to tell me it would be fine but I wanted to make sure. It'll be heading to the Northwest in the back of a pickup so should be fine if they don't drink it all when they stop for the nights... :) Boyd Ostroff September 21st, 2008, 02:42 PM Was just looking on their website, and it appears their territory is growing! They now show distribution of Bock, Blonde, Black and Hefeweizen in Pennsylvania... and say it is coming soon to New Jersey. Time to stock up! Funny Lorinda, the same page shows that Bock is available in Idaho and the only neighboring state without it is Oregon. BTW, I really don't like their new website. Not so easy to find useful info, and it's annoying to wait while it loads animations for every page. Lorinda Norton September 21st, 2008, 05:05 PM Funny Lorinda, the same page shows that Bock is available in Idaho and the only neighboring state without it is Oregon. Hey Boyd, Yeah, I know. I think that's called adding insult to injury. ;) I'm stuck at Springfield airport AGAIN, probably going to have to spend the night in Denver AGAIN. (Same thing happened to me last year.) I sure could use one of those Shiner's right now... I bought up all the Bock they had at the Jubilee Store in Branson so I filled up a box with a pack of Shiner Blonde. I'm really looking forward to trying it, too. Boyd Ostroff September 21st, 2008, 08:34 PM In the past I have "imported" Shiner Bock and Hefeweizen from Maryland. But hopefully now I'll be able to get it in Philadelphia :-) Air travel is hell... Frank Granovski September 22nd, 2008, 04:09 PM Still no Shiner here. Even though Whistler Lager was rated #1 in Canada I hated it; and so it's been Stella for me when I want a beer. Stella bought out Bud, by the way. Lorinda Norton July 17th, 2009, 08:45 PM Got my son to bring some beer from Washington last week. So I'm taking some advice given me by O. Rex and doing a little photo journaling and what do I see? Shiner Beer is 100 years old! Happy Anniversary, Shiner! Chris Hurd July 17th, 2009, 09:44 PM I'm digging the new packaging as well. Looks pretty good in your hand there. Heh. Lorinda Norton July 18th, 2009, 12:56 AM *IT'S SMOKIN' GOOD* --I love it. Sounds like you'd need to have another beer chasing that just to put out the fire. Boyd Ostroff July 18th, 2009, 07:23 AM Great beer, bad website. Thought I would check again to see if Shiner is available in NJ, and it was a bit of a project. I was getting pretty annoyed watching the beer bottle spin on every link I clicked while the page loaded. Finally found the distribution map under "Spoetzel Brewery", which is a bit counter-intuitive. Whatever happened to the concept of a "site map"? Unfortunately NJ seems to be one of the few states they haven't reached yet. Maybe someday... Lorinda Norton July 18th, 2009, 01:19 PM Great beer, bad website. I'm just glad it's not the other way around. :) Hey Boyd, your post count is all ones! |