View Full Version : GR-PD1 output to digi beta

Martin ODonnell
October 1st, 2006, 04:04 AM
I have the above camera and have been very frustrated to find that it is impossible to edit with the hi-res material. Any help there would be great.

I have heard that it's possible to output to a digi beta deck.
Being a novice I am not sure exactly what this means and what benefits this yeilds in practice.


Martin ODonnell

Giroud Francois
October 1st, 2006, 04:23 AM
it was probably an attempt to transfer the signal with components YUV cable.
the Hires PAL signal is mpeg2, so i doubt you can get a digital transfer from this camera to anything else.

Marco Ba
October 1st, 2006, 04:07 PM
If you mean HiRes=HD - no the PD1 never outputs HD. Even the PD1 HiRes stuff only is SD recorded and SD output.
DigiBeta also is SD only.

Though speaking about the stuff which is HiRes handled inside the PD1 but recorded as SD (720x576) - you surely can edit this material. I often work on PD1 shots made in the 25p HiRes and in the 50p mode. I transfere via firewire using the JCV MPEG-Capture utility and I edit it using Vegas 7. Works great.


Ken Hodson
October 3rd, 2006, 01:10 AM
What sytem are you using. PC or MAC?
Differant solutions for each.
All of the Cineform products will capture all of the PD1s modes. I belive you can still use the capture utillity after the demo expires. Give it a try if your PC. ConectHD for Vegas, AspectHD for PPro.
The 25p Hi-res should upscale to 720p better then the 50p mode because of the on cam downsampling it performs in cam befor recording as SD. Do not consider the PD1 (or HD1-10s) SD modes the same as DV-SD. It is derived from far more pixels (and in true 16:9 ratio.) 552,960 pixels 50p vs. 346,000 60i DV and 870,400 25p vs. 346,000 60i DV. JVCs numbers.
Point is if you want to make it work as a B-cam it has potential. The look of the little JVC's is very close to the HD100's. Colour ect.
If anyone could bust the PD1 firmware to get full HD out of it I would still be very interested in picking one up for uber low cost 25p(24p converted)

Martin ODonnell
October 3rd, 2006, 11:34 AM
I've got a G5 mac. Can I use this software on it?

Actually the new updated FCP version came out yesterday.
The programme actually recognised the camera but wouldn't capture.
I'm still working on it in my very limited capacity.

When I asked about the Digi Beta thing I meant does that offer me any advantages quality wise if I needed it?

Forgive my ignorance here gents I'm very new to the industry and I'm a bit overwhelmed by all the formats and jargon.
Any advice is very much needed and appreciated.



Graham Jones
October 12th, 2006, 10:17 AM
"it was probably an attempt to transfer the signal with components YUV cable. the Hires PAL signal is mpeg2, so i doubt you can get a digital transfer from this camera to anything else."

Yes, you can output the Hi-Res 25p via YUV (component) but that's as analog. Going to DigiBeta by this route is very pleasing. I have done it myself.

But Martin no matter what you do with the PD1 it will always be standard definition... unless someone hacks into the camera's firmware and there doesn't seem to be anyone who still cares about that.

Remember Hi-Res is not Hi-Def!